Matridonal Homeopathic Remedies. A Book Review by Elena Cecchetto
/November 11, 2011:
I was looking forward to reading this book and now that I’m into the first four pages I am super excited about reading this book! I can already see that Melissa Assilem has the type of philosophical insight to speak with authority and with the most eloquent and enlightening filter on menopause. The first four pages (read last night at midnight) have already brought me back to my twenties when first enthusiastically delving into feminist reading. This is going to be sooo excellent.
November 15th, 2011
So, yes, I could’ve easily been finished this book by now. However, I got stuck at page 63 when I put it down for a while. I wasn’t so sure exactly where my enthusiasm waned until I picked it up and reread the section that I left off at. Here is where Assilem has tackled the subject of Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT). Such a pertinent and essential topic. I’m so grateful that she wrote about a herstorical perspective leading us to where we are today. It illuminates and gives confidence to a developing more solid opinion of my own. However, the segment I left off at went a bit too far and reminded me that everybody has their own filter. Assilem describes the side effects of hormonal treatment as follows: “This also means these women will not only have a period and increase in cancer risk, and the cherry on the cake, they may also experience an artificially raised libido. The risk persists for upwards to 10 years after ceasing HRT”
Well, maybe Assilem is highlighting that the conventional medical system ignores the raised libido as a problem side effect as misogynistic because it serves the male wants/needs and assumptions that women want that. But I would say that Assilem’s idea that women wouldn’t want a raised libido sounds reminiscent of the patriarchal and repressive concept that women shouldn’t have nor express their own sex drive. More likely, Assilem is just pointing out that there are unnatural consequences of HRT! As far as side effects go, I’d prefer the libido 'problem' to the cancer one!
The other thing that has me a bit distracted from the book is the minimal references to Homeopathy, or Homeopathic Remedies. On the other hand there are some straightforward and very useful analyses on the conventional treatments for Menopause. These types of perspective are difficult to find. The way she’s lead up to it by including the way that our medical system has a mechanical view of our bodies and the idea of our hormonal system as the problem is the essential and invaluable understanding.
November 21st, 2011
The message that I see so clearly out of this is that the only thing that the medical system does ‘holistically’ is to wholly ignore our own body’s inherent intelligence and abilities. Instead attempting to kybosh our perfectly designed transformation into the wise women that we’re meant to become after reproduction is no longer our system’s focus. This is a book I can see myself quoting from and referencing many times over some of my favourite clients. It will help me to illuminate some important points of consideration when discussing the transformation into Menopause and beyond.
By Elena Cecchetto DCH, CCH, HMC, RSHom(NA)
Adaptive network nanomedicine: an integrated model for homeopathic medicine.
/Adaptive network nanomedicine: an integrated model for homeopathic medicine.
This paper presents an evidence-based model for the nature and mode of action of homeopathic remedies. Recent studies reveal that homeopathic remedies contain nanoparticles (NPs) of source materials formed by "top-down" mechanical grinding in lactose and/or succussion (forceful agitation) in ethanolic solutions. Silica nanostructures formed during succussions in glass and/or biosynthesized by specific plant extract tinctures also may acquire and convey epitaxial information from remedy source materials into higher potencies. NPs have enhanced bioavailability, adsorptive capabilities, adjuvant reactivity, electromagnetic and quantum properties compared with their bulk forms. NPs induce adaptive changes in the organism at nontoxic doses (hormesis), serving as salient, low level danger signals to the biological stress response network. Activation of stress response effectors, including heat shock proteins, inflammasomes, cytokines and neuroendocrine pathways, initiate beneficial compensatory reactions across the interconnected networks of the organism as a complex adaptive system. Homeopathic remedies act by stimulating hormetic adaptive rather than conventional pharmacological effects. Updating terminology from "homeopathy" to "adaptive network nanomedicine" reflects the integration of this historical but controversial medical system with modern scientific findings.
The American Veterinarian Association votes in favour of Homeopathy!
Dr. Bhatia – Please share with us the most significant findings of your research?
/Dr. Isaac – There is so much that could be said, but I would say that the three most significant findings are:
(1) The consistency of measures of the effectiveness of HP over 200 years, both for long-term and short-term protection – at around 90%. This is a very strong figure, and very consistent with vaccine efficacy. My own data was collected from 1986 to 2004, and vetted by a Professor of Medicine and a medical epidemiologist during my Swinburne research. So it means we can offer people a safe alternative with a demonstrated effectiveness.
(2) Evaluation of the overall safety of long-term HP was an important new aspect of my Doctoral research at Swinburne University from 2000 to 2004, and the results were excellent. Some of my colleagues had quite reasonably questioned whether the use of my long-term program could cause any weakening of the Vital Force over time, and the data unambiguously said “no” to that question. It further showed that my long-term HP program was associated with an improvement in general well being– a result that pleased, but also surprised me to some extent.
(3) How damaging vaccination is over the long-term. Once again, the results are unambiguous, and are fully consistent with the very few long-term studies of the impact of vaccination on overall wellness. The fact that the orthodox community has done so little genuine research into long-term safety of vaccination is to their eternal discredit.
Identification of Unknown Homeopathic Remedies by Delayed Luminescence Karin Lenger • Rajendra P. Bajpai • Manfred Spielmann Published online: 20 July 2013
/Identification of Unknown Homeopathic Remedies by Delayed Luminescence
Karin Lenger • Rajendra P. Bajpai • Manfred Spielmann
Published online: 20 July 2013
Ó Springer Science+Business Media New York 2013
Abstract A quality control method of highly diluted and potentized homeopathic remedies is important for curing patients applying homeopathic therapy. Lenger detected photons in highly potentized homeopathic remedies by delayed luminescence. The photons of Argentum metalli- cum 100MK and Cantharis 100MK magnetically bound to their carrier substances ethanol or saccharose were separated by their resonating magnetic field of about 2.06 MHz. The photons of these 100MK potency levels and of their refer- ence substances were determined to be standard values cal- culated by the B2-values of Bajpai’s equation derived from the Hamiltonian equation. The stability of ethanolic Argentum metallicum 100MK and Cantharis 100MK declined to 1/3 of their photons within a month in contrast to saccharose globules with Argentum metallicum 100MK having been stable during the period of these investiga- tions for almost 1 year. Some remedies delivered as CMK potency had been proved to be ethanol. The testing amount of high ethanolic potencies is limited to 40 ll because 80 ll resulted in an attenuation of the photons; 40 ll equal 16 medicated saccharose globules. Six unknown
K. Lenger (&) M. Spielmann
Institute for Scientific Homeopathy, Kaiserstr. 28, 63065 Offenbach, Germany
M. Spielmann
R. P. Bajpai
International Institute for Biophysics, Kapellener Str, 41472 Neuss, Germany
R. P. Bajpai
North Eastern Hill University, 47, Teachers Quarters NEHU, Permanent Campus, Shillong 793022, India
homeopathic remedies could be identified as increasing potency levels of Argentum metallicum from 100MK to 1.000MK which indicates a calibration curve. The homeo- pathic factories having sent the unknown remedies con- firmed the measurements. A quality control of homeopathic remedies is possible by comparing the different B2-values of the remedies and their carrier substances.
Keywords Delayed luminescence Homeopathic remedy Degree of a homeopathic potency B2-coefficient Resonance frequencies of homeopathic remedies Quality control of homeopathic remedies
Painkiller usage reduced by 50 percent with homeopathy Learn more:
Neuroscience. 2013 Dec 3;253:1-8. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroscience.2013.08.021. Epub 2013 Aug 22. Plant-derived nanoparticle treatment with cocc 30c ameliorates attention and motor abilities in sleep-deprived rats.
/Plant-derived nanoparticle treatment with cocc 30c ameliorates attention and motor abilities in sleep-deprived rats.
FYI Cocculus 30C is a commonly used homeopathic remedy.
The Use of Nosodes in Homeopathy
/Summary sheet: Nosodes
July 2007
The Use of Nosodes in Homeopathy
‘Nosodes’ is the term used for a specific group of remedies widely used in homeopathic
prescribing. They have been an essential part of the European homeopathic tradition for
over two hundred years. Results from clinical trials and data collection in homeopathic
practice show a long track record of safety for these products.
Typically, homeopathic medicinal products originate from plants, animals, organic and
inorganic substances. The first step in the pr
eparation of a homeopathic medicine is the
preparation of the ‘mother tincture’, its most co
ncentrated liquid form
. The second step is
a process of systematic serial dilution and ‘succussion’ (vigorous shaking with impact)
known as ‘potentisation’. The more physically
dilute the solution, the higher the potency.
Nosodes are made from disease products of human or animal origin, or from pathogens or
from products derived from the decomposition of animal organs, cultured micro-organisms
or body fluids containing pathogens or pathol
ogical agents. They are prepared according to
standard methods of manufacture for homeopathic medicinal products. The
Pharmacopoeias in current use include additional rules to produce safe, non-infectious
starting material by different sterilisation me
thods. The subsequent serial dilution adds
further safety and renders them as safe as other homeopathic remedies. Nosodes are
manufactured and prescribed in higher
potencies (i.e more dilute) only.
The track record of safety of these products is reinforced by clear and regulated
manufacturing processes, ensuring that they are safe and meet the EU definition of a
homeopathic product: ‘any medicinal product prepared ... in accordance with a
homeopathic manufacturing procedure describe
d by the European Pharmacopoeia or, in
the absence thereof, by the pharmacopoeias
currently used officially in the Member
Nosodes are prescribed by homeopathic doct
ors, practitioners and veterinarians world-
wide for the treatment of acute as well as
chronic diseases. Remedies made from the
supposed causative agents or products of a disease are usually prescribed to a patient
suffering from that same disease. They may be used to treat residual problems when an
illness has been overcome in earlier life and to reduce hereditary problems.This school of
homeopathy is known as Isopathy.
In 2005, a survey of homeopathic doctors found that 95% considered nosodes to be
important in their clinical practice. Similarly a 2005 study reported that nosodes had been
of vital importance for successful homeopathic treatment of chronic ailments in an
average of 33% of patient cases. Nosodes also play an essential role in the successful
homeopathic treatment of farm livestock.
Nosodes have a clear place in the European regulatory context. For patients, practitioners
and professional organisations, they will contin
ue to play an essential role in homeopathic
For further information and references please
see ECHAMP Position Paper (2006) ‘Nosodes
in Homeopathy: Significance and Viral Safety’.
Testimonial for El Cecchetto DCH, CCH, RSHom(NA)
/A lovely email written by the father of a 17 year old who’s had severe allergic reactions to wheat, eggs and dairy pretty much all of his life. [In previous months we had conquered re-introducing wheat] Hi El,
I hope you were able to take time off and enjoy the Thankgiving holiday with your family. Just to let you know the last of this most recent batch of J.A’s remedies ended on October 10. And he has continued to make remarkable progress. During the course of the last month he has eaten foods with egg and dairy in them without any reaction! He has maintained good health as well. Once again, El, thank you for everything you are doing. With regards, I.A. ~Vancouver.
Homeopathic Products: A Growing Segment in OTC?
/Homeopathic Products: A Growing Segment in OTC?
Homeopathy is becoming increasingly complementary to allopathic medicine.
The future is very bright for natural homeopathic products. Homeopathy continues to grow as shoppers learn that it may temporarily help relieve symptoms of diagnosed conditions. US retail sales of homeopathic and herbal remedies reached $6.4 billion in 2012—up almost 3% from 2011 and growing 16% over the past 5 years—according to Chicago, IL–based market research firm Mintel.1 Homeopathic remedies are safe to use, without known contraindications, and are relatively inexpensive compared with prescription drugs.
Public awareness of homeopathic medicines has grown not only through advertising of these products but also because homeopathy may be a preferred treatment option for individuals seeking ongoing relief from symptoms of chronic conditions.
What Is Homeopathy?
The word homeopathic is derived from the Greek words homeos, meaning similar, and pathos, meaning disease or suffering. Thus, homeopathy means “to treat with a remedy that produces an effect similar to the disease or suffering.”2 Homeopathic doctors choose the proper remedy by following a special rule of nature called the law of similars. This law states “like cures like” or that a medicine can cure a sick person if it can cause similar sickness in a healthy person.2 Further, this principle states that a sick person can be cured by taking very small amounts of ingredients that cause their pain.
Understanding Homeopathic Drug Potency
The principal tenet of homeopathy is the observation that the medicine is more effective as the active ingredient(s) is diluted and potentiated toward its unique optimal balance. Because many homeopathic ingredients are potent, volatile, and sometimes even harmful in their most natural form, homeopathic ingredients are microdiluted just enough to maintain their healing properties while making them safe for human consumption. On a drug ingredient panel, the active ingredient will be followed by a number, then a “C” or an “X” (eg, 12X). This represents how many times the ingredient has been diluted and potentiated.
The Difference Between Homeopathy and Conventional Allopathic Medicine
It is generally accepted that 3 types of treatments are available:
- Manipulative: to directly impose change on tissue or function, usually via drugs or surgery
- Replacement: to replace necessary elements, such as tears, hormones, or insulin
- Regulatory: to prompt the body’s immune/self-regulating (mechanism of homeostasis) system, as with immunizations, allergy desensitization, acupuncture, and homeopathy
Conventional medicine traditionally utilizes the first 2 treatment types, while homeopathy, the third type, attempts to trigger the body’s self-regulating (immune) system to perform; for example:
- Lubricant eyedrops replace tears; homeopathic eyedrops stimulate tears.
- Antibiotics kill bacteria; homeopathic medicines trigger a stronger immune response.3
The Role of the Pharmacist
The aging population and struggling US economy have fostered mounting interest in homeopathic healing methods. The World Health Organization reports that 500 million people use homeopathy worldwide, making it the second-most widely used system of medicine. Although not as common in the United States, homeopathy is growing rapidly as consumers make healthier choices in their diets and lifestyles.
For a number of conditions, after diagnosis by a physician, homeopathic products can provide consumers with much-needed relief that they may be unable to obtain via conventional OTC products and/or prescription drugs alone. Further, homeopathic remedies offer relief without harmful side effects. As consumers become more educated on the benefits of homeopathy, we can expect to see an increase in their search for and use of homeopathic products. As the primary consultant to consumers, pharmacists will be sought after to help consumers understand homeopathy and how it works and to provide a balanced view of the use of homeopathic and allopathic remedies. Pharmacists are scientists and teachers.
Raymond J. Hanson, Jr, executive vice president of The Relief Products (TRP), is responsible for strategic business development services, new product development, and strategic production relationships. Prior to joining TRP, he was the global head for health care and life sciences for Tata Consultancy Services, a global IT outsourcing firm, and was the chief executive liaison with most global pharmaceutical and medical device firms, including more than 70 of the Johnson & Johnson companies, Eli Lilly, Novartis, Merck, GlaxoSmithKline, General Electric, Medtronic, and others.
- US sales of homeopathic & herbal remedies reach $6.4 billion. Nutraceuticals World website. Accessed August 20, 2013.
- What is homeopathy? National Center for Homeopathy website. Accessed August 20, 2013.
- About homeopathy. The Relief Products website. Accessed August 20, 2013.
- See more at:
Homeopathy is no fad
/I say in response to Schwarcz: Sometimes many people making the same choice are actually right.
First of all, let’s look at the history of homeopathy.
Conceived in Germany in the late 1700s, homeopathy quickly grew throughout Europe, then spread to the Americas and India via British colonization. It waned in North America in the early 20th century due in part to progress in conventional medicine, and due in part due to persecution. But it began its current resurgence in the late 20th century as a result of consumer demand. In the rest of the world, its growth has been relatively constant from the 1800s on.
Homeopathy is now arguably the fastest-growing form of health care both in Canada and the world. The Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India reported in March 2011 that the world market for homeopathy was worth approximately $5.35 billion — and growing by about 30 per cent annually. Homeopathy is part of the health-care system of many nations. Somewhere between 300 million and 500 million people use it worldwide. This is no fad.
The claim that homeopathy has no scientific basis is simply false. Homeopathy began with experimentation on the part of its founder, Dr. Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) and has been grounded in empiricism ever since. There are many high-quality studies on homeopathy that speak favourably of it in peer-reviewed journals across a broad number of medical fields — as a simple search on the medical-reference website Pubmed will show.
The largest single study of homeopathy ever published was funded by the Cuban Ministry of Health in 2007. The populations of the three provinces of Cuba most threatened by the hurricane-triggered disease leptospirosis — a total of 2.3 million people — were all given two doses of a preventive homeopathic medicine in advance of the time of worst danger. As stated in the resulting paper: “The homeoprophylactic approach was associated with a large reduction of disease incidence and control of the epidemic.”
A comprehensive study showing that homeopathy is more cost-effective than any other form of medicine, traditional or alternative, was commissioned by the government of Switzerland and published in 2011.
Of the meta-analyses on homeopathy that have been published, the majority show findings promising enough to recommend further research in the field.
Homeopathic medicines are diluted so much that most people can’t understand how they can possibly have an effect. But the International Journal of High Dilution Research is looking at this question and researchers seem to be getting close to providing answers. Two testable hypotheses have been proposed this year and are awaiting closer analysis.
These are not quacks or junk scientists doing this work. Dr. Luc Montagnier, Nobel laureate and co-discoverer of the HIV virus, made a presentation last year at a national American homeopathic conference relating to his work on the ability of DNA in high dilutions to emit electromagnetic waves.
Karen Wehrstein is executive director of the Toronto-based Canadian Consumers Centre for Homeopathy ( data on Homeopathic treatment on flu epidemics: Taken from National Center of Homeopathy:
/National Center of Homeopathy:
Historical data on Homeopathic treatment on flu epidemics: Taken from National Center of Homeopathy:
Perhaps the most recent use of homeopathy in a major epidemic was during the Influenza Pandemic of 1918. The Journal of the American Institute for Homeopathy, May, 1921, had a long article about the use of homeopathy in the flu epidemic. Dr. T A McCann, from Dayton, Ohio reported that 24,000 cases of flu treated allopathically had a mortality rate of 28.2% while 26,000 cases of flu treated homeopathically had a mortality rate of 1.05%. This last figure was supported by Dean W.A. Pearson of Philadelphia (Hahnemann College) who collected 26,795 cases of flu treated with homeopathy with the above result.
The most common remedy used was Gelsemium, with occasional cases needing Bryonia and Eupatorium reported. Dr. Herbert A. Roberts from Derby, CT, said that 30 physicians in Connecticut responded to his request for data. They reported 6,602 cases with 55 deaths, which is less than 1%. Dr. Roberts was working as a physician on a troop ship during WWI. He had 81 cases of flu on the way over to Europe. He reported, “All recovered and were landed. Every man received homeopathic treatment. One ship lost 31 on the way.”
Please be aware that a natural approach exists to flu prevention and treatment. Here are some ideas for boosting your immune system and avoiding some common problems associated with fall/winter illness:
Avoid mucous producing foods (sinusitis, asthma, flu, bronchitis, ear infections, etc.), such as milk and cheese, beef and pork, wheat, bananas, refined sugar and corn oil. Use more of beans, peas, chicken(dark part), rye, spelt, buckwheat millet, apples, pears, molasses, olive oil, sesame oil, and spices (turmeric, cumin and garlic). Apples, pears and raw vegetables actually help to reduce mucus.
Vitamin C helps stimulate your natural killer cells that mop us viruses. Vitamin A also has “anti-viral” activity and Zinc has a reputation for healing “colds”. Making and drinking a pitcher of freshly juiced vegetable and/or fruit juice every day gives you the antioxidants you need to help boost your immune system. Taking large doses of Vitamin C (up to 10,000mg daily, as your body tolerates) can boost the immune system.
Echinacea - take a dose or two when you feel that cold or flu just coming on. Add Goldenseal to it if the mucous turns from clear to yellow. Rosemarin supplements, Echinacea angustifolia tincture (5 drops in water, 3 times daily during infection, or 1 time daily for up to 2 weeks to help boost immune system then take 1-2 week break), Astragalus and certain other medicinal herbs, and Oscillococcinum (standard protocol for administration is 3 doses daily for three days) are likely to confer some protection as well. Ginger, taken as a tea, will warm up your innards.