Homeopathic Documentary
/The best new documentary about Homeopathy by my awesome colleague Ananda More!
Remedies, Research, Experience, Knowledge, Discussions,
The best new documentary about Homeopathy by my awesome colleague Ananda More!
A cough is a body’s way of clearing the delicate air passages of irritants, most usually mucous. The mucous has been produced as a sticky substance to carry viruses, bacteria, inhaled particles (i.e. dust, pollen) and dead white blood cells out of the body. It is best to not use cough medicines because they interfere with the natural protective mechanism of the lungs to rid themselves of mucous. If repressed, a cough can lead to deeper infections. Or it will take longer for the child to get rid of the cough completely. Utilizing homeopathy aids the body in ridding itself of the cough and making the child more comfortable. Coughs can be hard to deal with because of a large variety of symptoms. There are many things to take into account. Be patient! Try not to get discouraged; you may need to evaluate the case two or three times. You may need to repeat a remedy a few times a day over the course of a few days. A neglected persistent cough can lead to or indicate other problems, so it is advisable to get an evaluation by your health care practitioner, if the cough is not resolving.
The American Academy of Pediatrics states that over-the-counter cough and cold medicines should not be given to children under the age of 6 years old, because they do not work and can have dangerous side effects. There are warning labels on these products which state that they should not be given to children under the age of 2 years old.
A chest infection can lead to various other more serious conditions. Fever is associated with all of these at some point. (Look to fever section below for further indications and verification of the right remedy). A course of antibiotics is the preferred orthodox treatment. Even if the condition is viral, doctors want to prevent opportunistic bacteria from colonising in the already compromised lungs. The viruses and bacteria take hold of the body because of susceptibility due to being run down, highly stressed out, being severely depressed or deeply grieved, being out of balance or sleep deprived. Chest infections can quickly spin off into serious conditions in those who are hereditarily susceptible, weak (especially an infant), a teen who smokes, or being on some long term medications. It is most significant how the body signals its distress by producing an individual set of symptoms. The diagnosis “Chest infection” is generally applied to a cough with mucus in the lungs and is usually the result of not taking care in the initial stages of a common cold. It is really important to read “CALL YOUR HEALTH CARE PRACTITIONER IF” section below so you know when to seek help if there is a serious turn of events in chest complaints.
A little anatomy lesson here so you can tell where the cough is originating:
Pharynx – The back of the tongue where it turns and goes into the throat.
Larynx – The throat down to the throat pit, just below the Adam’s apple, that is called the voice box.
Trachea – The wind pipe just before the lungs.
Bronchus – The main tube into the lungs.
Bronchioles – The smaller tubes on both sides that carry the air in and out of the lungs.
Croup – Croup is an inflammation of the larynx, trachea and sometimes into the bronchus. Because of swollen mucous membranes, the air passages become narrow. This gives the cough the “croupy, metallic, barking” sound. (Think of a high-pitched and hoarse dog barking or a barking seal). The cough is sometimes described as the sound of a barking seal. It is usually brought on by a cold or influenza in children 6 months to 4 years old. It usually starts with hoarseness. Croup may or may not be accompanied by fever. It often starts suddenly around midnight. Child usually wakes in a panic because they are having trouble breathing. Then they begin coughing. If the cough is severe, they may gag or choke. It is usually much worse at night and less severe during the day. Croup requires careful watching in the very young because the symptoms can change rapidly. To ensure that the airways are kept open, prop the child up with a pillow. Make sure that fluid intake is kept high. You may warmly wrap the child (i.e. hat, mittens, socks, completely covered in warmth) and take them into the cool night air for about five minutes. This reduces swelling in the airways. Do not take them out if it is bitter cold, as this can shock the lungs. A cool mist vaporizer in the child’s room can also be helpful. If the child has been coughing and gagging for more than 24 hours despite initial treatment, call your health care practitioner. A child, who has croup several times or does not get rid of the cough in between bouts, needs to be evaluated by your health care practitioner. Occasionally a child will not respond to indicated remedies and the symptoms of croup become so alarming that hospital becomes the only course to take. If there are no results, call your health care practitioner. See #13 in the “Call Your Healthcare Practitioner If” section and inform yourself about epiglottis.
As stated above, croup often starts suddenly around midnight. This indicates Aconitum as an initial remedy, but there are other symptoms that point to it as well: heat; anxiety; restlessness; hoarseness; cough is dry and barking (like a seal); short difficult breathing. One dose (2 pellets) will often ease the symptoms immediately. If symptoms persist repeat in ½ hour. If there are no results, and the child’s breathing sounds harsh, is becoming more laboured, and the cough is persisting, give a dose of Spongia Tosta. Wait another ½ hour. If your child is not asleep by now, and the breathing is still not easy with continued coughing, give a dose of Hepar Sulph. However, usually after 2 doses of Aconitum, the child is better.
The main remedies for croup are Aconitum, Hepar Sulph., and Spongia Tosta. There are a few others as well. (see below in the Cough section). If there are no results from the above remedies, look to other remedies: Arsenicum, Belladonna, Iodium, Ipecacuanha, Kali Bich, Lachesis, Phosphorus, Rumex (see below).
Whooping Cough – This information is here because there have been many cases where the child has been immunized with the DPT vaccine, yet still developed whooping cough. (The “P” in DPT stands for Pertussis). Whooping cough is cause by the Bordetella
pertussis bacteria. It is sometimes referred to as pertussis. The ‘whoop’ sound is a hoarse intake of a breath at the end of a bout of coughing. The bacteria emit toxins which paralyze the cilia in the lungs. The cilia are like tiny hairs that line the respiratory openings. Because of the paralysis, inflammation sets in, which interferes with the clearing of normal mucous. Thick, sticky mucous builds up and produces a gagging cough. The incubation period of whooping cough is 7 to 10 days. Infected children are contagious from onset up to 21 days after the coughing has begun. Whooping cough was once known as the “hundred day cough” because that was the period from the onset to full recovery. This cough is more likely to occur in the spring or summer. It usually starts with a low grade fever, sneezing, a runny nose, and a loose cough which is worse at night. This may continue up to two weeks. They may also be achy with low energy, a loss of appetite, watery eyes, and earaches. Then the mucous becomes thick and the child cannot cough it up. The coughing fits often end in gagging and vomiting. The coughing can last from 8-10 coughs per breath. The child’s face can become blue, due to the long coughing bouts and shortness of breath. There can be a look of terror on the child’s face because the severity of the cough, being unable to catch their breath, or the pain of coughing which causes fear and dread. This stage can last up to six weeks. Do not attempt to treat whooping cough in a child under one year old. Seek professional help. Whooping cough requires patient observation and calmness; it is a long and tiring condition for child and parent. Remedy pictures can change, unexpectedly, and it is best to have expert help if the coughing persists. It is really advisable to have help from a homeopath for this condition and/or staying in close contact with your health care provider to provide your child with the utmost comfort. It is rare for complications to occur in a child over one year old. However, it is important to monitor progress very carefully because the cough can become violent and damage the lungs. It can also cause a hernia in the navel or a bowel prolapse in the very young. Complications can include pneumothorax (collapsed lung) which needs emergency hospital treatment, pleurisy, or pneumonia. If the child persistently cries after coughing or a sudden high fever develops then you must seek professional help, immediately. Again, this is rare. But one needs to by observant and use good judgement.
There are many remedies for whooping cough and it is not unusual for the child to need more than two of them. The most usual ones are: Antimonium Tart., Bryonia, Carbo Veg., Coccus Cacti, Cuprum Metallicum, Drosera, Ipecac, Lycopodium, Nux Vomica, Phosphorus and Spongia Tosta.
WHAT TO OBSERVE: Based on the above explanations, what kind of cough does the child have? What is the sound of the cough: rattling, deep, hoarse, ringing, hacking, like a machine gun (in rapid succession), hollow or barking? Is the cough worse or better: talking; movement; sitting up or lying down; day or night; cool or warm air; dry or moist air; hot or cold drinks; inside or outside? What is the sound of the child’s breathing: wheezy, labored, or squeaky? If the child coughs up mucous does it have a specific taste: metallic, sweet, or salty? Is the child taking short shallow breaths? What color is the mucous, if they can cough it up? Is the mucous lumpy, frothy or stringy? Do they have a sore throat? Is there a tickling in the throat? What is the child’s mood? Does the child want warm or cold drinks or food, or want no food or drink? Is the child experiencing a fever or a headache? Take their temperature.
SUPPORTIVE MEASURES: For All Coughs: Get extra rest. Push fluids, even if they only take a few sips at a time. This will help to keep the mucous loose. Do not force the child to eat, if they are not hungry. This gives the digestive system a rest and encourages the body to eliminate toxic wastes. If the child asks for food give a light diet, low in sugar, high in Vitamin C, and avoid stimulants such as cola or tea. Even if the chest is sore, encourage the child to cough. This will help to get the mucous out. Use a vaporizer (cool or hot) depending on the type of cough. If you don’t have a vaporizer for a steam treatment, run the shower or tub spout with hot water in a closed bathroom. Have the child breathe in slow comfortably deep breaths. Keep the temperature even. If you take the child outdoors, make sure they are bundled up well. Do not repress a cough with any form of cough medicine. To do so is blocking the body’s natural immune system of expelling mucous, which will prevent a deeper infection. Cough medicines make the child feel better temporarily because most of them contain about 25% alcohol. In some coughs, it is helpful for the child to be propped up with pillows in a semi-erect position. Always look in the “WORSE OR BETTER FROM” section for tips on what will make the child feel more comfortable, i.e. if a cough is worse lying on the back, encourage the child to lie on their side. For tickling coughs in children over three years old, you can use lozenges which do not contain: camphor, menthol, or eucalyptus, i.e. Blackcurrant pastilles or lemon drops. Discontinue or keep dairy products to a minimum, as this causes excess mucous. Humidify the room if you have forced air heat. Do not use any rubs or oils containing eucalyptus, menthol, camphor, tea tree oil. (These can nullify the homeopathic remedies).
Homemade cough treatments:
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Shingles is a painful skin rash . It is caused by the varicella zoster virus. Shingles usually appears in a band, a strip, or a small area on one side of the face or body. It is also called herpes zoster.
Shingles is most common in older adults and people who have weak immune systems because of stress, injury, certain medicines, or other reasons. Most people who get shingles will get better and will not get it again. But it is possible to get shingles more than once.
Shingles occurs when the virus that causes chickenpox starts up again in your body. After you get better from chickenpox, the virus "sleeps" (is dormant) in your nerve roots. In some people, it stays dormant forever. In others, the virus "wakes up" when disease, stress, or aging weakens the immune system. Some medicines may trigger the virus to wake up and cause a shingles rash. It is not clear why this happens. But after the virus becomes active again, it can only cause shingles, not chickenpox.
Cheap and Natural Quick Solutions here
You can't catch shingles from someone else who has shingles. But there is a small chance that a person with a shingles rash can spread the virus to another person who hasn't had chickenpox and who hasn't gotten the chickenpox vaccine.
Shingles symptoms happen in stages. At first you may have a headache or be sensitive to light. You may also feel like you have the flu but not have a fever.
Later, you may feel itching, tingling, or pain in a certain area. That's where a band, strip, or small area of rash may occur a few days later. The rash turns into clusters of blisters. The blisters fill with fluid and then crust over. It takes 2 to 4 weeks for the blisters to heal, and they may leave scars. Some people only get a mild rash. And some do not get a rash at all.
It's possible that you could also feel dizzy or weak. Or you could have long-term pain or a rash on your face, changes in your vision, changes in how well you can think, or a rash that spreads.
The Mayo Clinic declares there is no cure for shingles and discusses various conventional treatments that may relieve symptoms; however, many only suppress symptoms leaving the patient open to future attacks. Homeopathy has shown to be highly effective in the treatment and cure of both chicken pox and shingles. Additionally, homeopathic remedies are helpful for treatment of shingles produced as the result of either the chicken pox or shingles vaccine.
Homoeopathy Works;
It is amazing to me the amount of confusion surrounding homeopathy these days. Amongst it all, one thing to me is always clear - it works. Each and every party/social gathering that I go to where I encounter new people and of course they ask what it is that I do - I gather stories.
Last weekend at a wonderful Holiday Season gathering this happened with two lovely hippy-like dykes who enthusiastically recounted the story of seeing a homeopath for their dog. Their lovely dog had a list of complicated dire health needs. They had been going from vet to vet trying to get solutions and spending thousands and thousands of dollars with no results. They gleefully explained about the homeopath who was humbly going to 'give it a try'... to help their canine family member.
It was amazing to them that a $19 vial of homeopathic remedy could do wonders for their little fur baby. Homeopathy helps their dog recover in ways that no other medicine had done. They were so shocked in the contrast of spending over $26,000 on their dog, that the solution was in this very refined homeopathic medicine chosen by an experienced homeopathic practitioner. Homeopathy works wonders.
I like articles like these because it shows there IS a simple approach to homeopathy that everyone can understand and use so very easily.
(NaturalNews) Homeopathic medicine has a long history in treating and curing gout. Homeopathic remedies are useful to reduce the swelling and inflammation as well as aid in the healing of the joints. Gout is caused by the build-up of uric acid in the joints, particularly of the hands and feet. The swelling puts pressure on and causes enlargement of the area, which can lead to extreme pain. Many homeopathic remedies reduce the swelling and aid in the digestion of the proteins, which cause the uric acid build-up.
Avoiding the foods that contain these uric acid causing conditions is advised. Red meat, poultry and fish are the main sources. Exercise and drinking plenty of water also helps remove the uric acid from the blood. Chronic gout can lead to arthritis and degenerative joint disease or osteoarthritis.
Homeopathic Remedies for Gout
Aconite (Aconitum) is made from a plant that grows in the mountains of Europe. Though aconite is a poison in its herbal state, it has been found to be safe, even for infants, in homeopathic dilution. The name Aconite comes from the Greek word meaning "rocky" describing the plants native habitat. Symptoms come on suddenly, particularly after exposure to a cold wind. Gout pain that might be successfully treated with Aconite may also include symptoms of anxiousness or great anxiety. Aconite is especially useful in gout of the feet joints and is best used in the early onset of symptoms.
Nux vomica is made from the seeds of the Strychnos plant, which grows in Asia, particularly in India and China. Used as a botanical in traditional Chinese Medicine, Nux vomica is also a useful homeopathic remedy for gout. The gout patient who needs Nux vomica may be irritable and suffer from stomach distress and chronic indigestion.
Colchicum is a common homeopathic remedy used to treat gout. The gout that is best treated with Colchicum is when the joint is red and very sensitive to touch. These gout pains are worse with any motion and better when lying still.
Ledum is used in gout of the big toe. Ledum is a useful remedy to use after Colchicum, or if there has been an overuse of Colchicine, a drug commonly used to treat gout that is made of the Colchicum plant. Ledum is used to treat gout when the person feels chilled and the joint is also cold.
Homeopathic remedies are sold over-the-counter in many health food and specialty food stores. These remedies are labeled for their indications and are mostly available in the potencies of 6c or 30c.
Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/027957_gout_homeopathy.html#ixzz3qMG6kgeq
Zanasi A1, Cazzato S2, Mazzolini M3, Ierna CM3, Mastroroberto M4, Nardi E4, Morselli-Labate AM4.Author information Abstract BACKGROUND:
The effectiveness of a homeopathic syrup on cough has been demonstrated in an adult population in a previous double-blind randomized study. The present prospective observational study investigated children affected by wet acute cough caused by non-complicated URTIs, comparing those who received the homeopathic syrup versus those treated with the homeopathic syrup plus antibiotic. OBJECTIVES:
The aims were: 1) to assess whether the addition of antibiotics to a symptomatic treatment had a role in reducing the severity and duration of acute cough in a pediatric population, as well as in improving cough resolution; 2) to verify the safety of the two treatments. METHODS:
Eighty-five children were enrolled in an open study: 46 children received homeopathic syrup alone for 10 days and 39 children received homeopathic syrup for 10 days plus oral antibiotic treatment (amoxicillin/clavulanate, clarithromycin, and erythromycin) for 7 days. To assess cough severity we used a subjective verbal category-descriptive (VCD) scale. RESULTS:
Cough VCD score was significantly (P < 0.001) reduced in both groups starting from the second day of treatment (-0.52 ± 0.66 in the homeopathic syrup group and -0.56 ± 0.55 in children receiving homeopathic syrup plus oral antibiotic treatment). No significant differences in cough severity or resolution were found between the two groups of children in any of the 28 days of the study. After the first week (day 8) cough was completely resolved in more than one-half of patients in both groups. Two children (4.3 %) reported adverse effects in the group treated with the homeopathic syrup alone, versus 9 children (23.1 %) in the group treated with the homeopathic syrup plus antibiotics (P = 0.020). CONCLUSIONS:
Our data confirm that the homeopathic treatment in question has potential benefits for cough in children as well, and highlight the strong safety profile of this treatment. Additional antibiotic prescription was not associated with a greater cough reduction, and presented more adverse events than the homeopathic syrup alone. KEYWORDS:
Anti-bacterial agents; Antitussive agents; Cough; Homeopathy; Respiratory tract infections
Current research points towards the likely existence of water structures which, although being largely unexplored, in principle have the necessary characteristics to explain the mechanism of action of homeopathic medicines.
The Water Research Laboratory aims to investigate these new water structures using a multidisciplinary approach involving theoretical physics, mathematical modelling and experimental exploration.
In the field of the physics of high dilutions, which has immediate relevance to homeopathy, many research groups have reported interesting findings. In particular, Prof Luc Montagnier (who won the Nobel Prize for discovering the HIV/AIDS virus), has shown homeopathic dilutions to have electromagnetic properties which differ from those of normal water1,2.
Benveniste was a eminent French immunologist, adviser to the French government on scientific issue, he was the director of INSERM unit 200, directed at immunology, allergy and inflammation.
In a seminal paper published in the prestigious journal Nature in 1988, Dr Benveniste’s team of reported their results investigating the effects of high-dilutions on human basophils (a type of white blood cell). They diluted a solution of human anti-IgE antibodies in water to such a degree that there was virtually no possibility that a single molecule of the antibody remained in the water solution. They reported, human basophils responded to the solutions just as though they had encountered the original antibody (part of the allergic reaction). The effect was reported only when the solution was shaken violently during dilution.
This publication led to a large controversy around ‘the memory of water‘. Since then 28 scientific papers have been published in this area, 23 of which reported positive results. Of the 11 publications judged to be of high quality, 8 (72%) reported positive results.4
The initial efforts of the HRI/WRL collaboration are centered around repeating the famous basophil degranulation experiments of the late Dr Jacques Benveniste (1935-2004)3, with the aim of making the experiment more easily reproducible in standard laboratory setting and of studying important physical parameters crucial to the phenomenon. In particular we aim to study the influence of electromagnetic fields on the system, in line with Prof Luc Montagnier’s recent results.
Alexander Tournier BSc DIC MASt Cantab PhD
Dr Tournier studied physics at Imperial College, London, and theoretical physics at the University of Cambridge. He wrote his PhD on the biophysics of water-protein interactions at the University of Heidelberg, Germany. For the last 10 years he has been conducting interdisciplinary research at the boundaries between mathematics, physics and biology, as an independent researcher for Cancer Research UK (5th institute worldwide for molecular biology).
Confirming the existence of structured phase of water would have considerable ramifications not only for homeopathy, but could also lead to completely novel therapeutic and diagnostic techniques.
Dr Alexander Tournier PhD
With swine flu claiming lives at an alarming rate, death toll reaching a shocking 1300 across the country, it becomes clear that prevention is better than cure. But the sad part is many fall prey to rumours and quacks while looking for preventive measures to be safe and healthy. However, if one resents the conventional form of treatment, homeopathy stands to be a safe and wise option to follow. Moreover, it stands to be the second largest system of medicine in India. Here are 10 tips every parent should follow to keep children safe from swine flu. ‘It is a safe method of treatment with almost no side effects. The advantage of homeopathy drug is such that apart from taking care of the main symptoms, it also helps in dealing with other problems in a subtle way. So if one patient is given doses for say gastric problem, the same drug could also help in treating other minor issues of the body and build immunity. Going the homeopathy way is a safe and secure method for anyone who is looking for prevention from swine flu,’ informs Dr Bhavi Mody, Vrudhi Homeopathy and Wellness Centre, Mumbai. Here is how you can build immunity to save yourself from a bout of swine flu.
Can homeopathy be as effective in treating swine flu as the conventional form of medication?
A study conducted by the Central Council for Research in Homeopathy from September 2009 to February 2010 pointed out that homeopathy drugs, when used to treat patients suffering from symptoms of swine flu, showed effective results in treating them. ‘In the discipline of homeopathy, when there is an outbreak of an epidemic, the few main symptoms are taken into consideration along with the major drugs that could treat the same. With swine flu, it was observed that the drug ARS. alb. 30 stood effective in both, treating and preventing a bout of swine flu,’ informs Dr Bhavi. The study also indicated that the drug could treat 80 percent of the symptoms of the flu effectively. Here are 10 facts about swine flu you need to know.
Moreover, the Indian Department of AYUSH (alternative systems) suggests use of the homeopathic medicine ARS. alb. 30, also known as Arsenic alba 30; one dose for three consecutive days as prevention for Swine flu. Here are the symptoms of swine flu that you need to be aware off.
So is homeopathy a better approach for preventing swine flu?
‘Homeopathy drugs don’t just treat the symptoms of the ailment but act on the psycho-neuron-axis of the brain, helping in building immunity and improving overall well-being. So if a patient has been following a homeopathy treatment for some other illness, his immunity is already been taken care of and would not need the said drug to fight swine flu,’ says Bhavi. Here is the answer to an important question — Is swine flu curable?
However, for others who wish to take adequate prevention to ward off a viral attack, taking homeopathy pills, prescribed by a practitioner, can help. Remember, it is advised not to take homeopathy pills without proper consultation. As with homeopathy, all drugs are not suitable for everyone. ‘Homeopathy is a line of medicine where drugs are prescribed after taking into account the patient’s history, other signs and symptoms, apart from the existing symptoms or illness. It is a long painstaking process, so it is better to see a doctor rather than self-treat,’ says Dr Bhavi. Here is what you should know how life treats one after recovering from swine flu.
When should one turn to homeopathy?
One can take help of homeopathy treatment or use it for preventive measures at any point in time. However, keeping in mind the swine flu epidemic, it is better to reach to your practitioner soon after you see the symptoms – persistent cold, cough, high fever, etc. ‘When taken on time or soon after the symptoms of flu are noticed, homeopathy drugs can help fight swine flu and put one on the road to recovery effectively,’ says Dr Bhavi.
Image source: Getty Images
Robert T Mathie1*, Suzanne M Lloyd2, Lynn A Legg3, Jürgen Clausen4, Sian Moss5, Jonathan RT Davidson6 and Ian Ford2
* Corresponding author: Robert T Mathie rmathie@britishhomeopathic.org
1 British Homeopathic Association, Luton, UK
2 Robertson Centre for Biostatistics, Institute of Health and Wellbeing, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, UK
3 Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK
4 Karl und Veronica Carstens-Stiftung, Essen, Germany
5 Homeopathy Research Institute, London, UK
6 Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC, USA
For all author emails, please log on.
Systematic Reviews 2014, 3:142 doi:10.1186/2046-4053-3-142
The electronic version of this article is the complete one and can be found online at: http://www.systematicreviewsjournal.com/content/3/1/142
Received: | 26 June 2014 |
Accepted: | 12 November 2014 |
Published: | 6 December 2014 |
© 2014 Mathie et al.; licensee BioMed Central.
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly credited. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver (http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/) applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated.
A rigorous and focused systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials (RCTs) of individualised homeopathic treatment has not previously been undertaken. We tested the hypothesis that the outcome of an individualised homeopathic treatment approach using homeopathic medicines is distinguishable from that of placebos.
The review’s methods, including literature search strategy, data extraction, assessment of risk of bias and statistical analysis, were strictly protocol-based. Judgment in seven assessment domains enabled a trial’s risk of bias to be designated as low, unclear or high. A trial was judged to comprise ‘reliable evidence’ if its risk of bias was low or was unclear in one specified domain. ‘Effect size’ was reported as odds ratio (OR), with arithmetic transformation for continuous data carried out as required; OR > 1 signified an effect favouring homeopathy.
Thirty-two eligible RCTs studied 24 different medical conditions in total. Twelve trials were classed ‘uncertain risk of bias’, three of which displayed relatively minor uncertainty and were designated reliable evidence; 20 trials were classed ‘high risk of bias’. Twenty-two trials had extractable data and were subjected to meta-analysis; OR = 1.53 (95% confidence interval (CI) 1.22 to 1.91). For the three trials with reliable evidence, sensitivity analysis revealed OR = 1.98 (95% CI 1.16 to 3.38).
Medicines prescribed in individualised homeopathy may have small, specific treatment effects. Findings are consistent with sub-group data available in a previous ‘global’ systematic review. The low or unclear overall quality of the evidence prompts caution in interpreting the findings. New high-quality RCT research is necessary to enable more decisive interpretation.
Individualised homeopathy; Meta-analysis; Randomised controlled trials; Systematic review
About 70-80% of patients taking homeopathic treatment for chronic disease report improvement, and in at least one study they prefer it over conventional treatment, according to a collection of studies written up by our friends down under, Homeopathy Plus. Possibly you are aware of the six-year Bristol Homeopathic Hospital study, which showed that out of 6,544 patients with chronic disease, sometimes of many years' duration, 70.7 per cent reported positive health changes.
But there's more.
A study on several alternative health modalities in Northern Ireland shows homeopathy narrowly edging out acupuncture with 79 per cent of patients reporting positive outcomes.
A study carried out at a health clinic in Dorset, England shows 84 per cent of patients reported improvement, and 81 per cent attribute their improvement to homeopathy.
A German study found that most parents with cancer-stricken kids who had them treated homeopathically rated their satisfaction rate as "very high" and would recommend homeopathy to other parents.
A large-scale Swiss study comparing patient satisfaction with homeopathic treatment to conventional medicine for chronic disease showed homeopathy scoring significantly better, with greater improvement and fewer side effects.
Finally, a 103-centre study in Switzerland and Germany followed 3,079 patients over eight years, and found:
* On average, disease severity decreased dramatically and improvements were sustained * Three in ten patients stopped treatment because of major improvement * Mental and physical quality of life scores increased substantially * Biggest and fastest improvements happened for children and the patients who started out the most sick.
Conditions treated ran the gamut, covering both physical and emotional afflictions.
Those who wonder why homeopathy continues to grow in popularity worldwide despite a mechanism of action that defies common "wisdom" and a well-funded and highly-motivated opposition should take note of these studies.
Read the original article, which has more details and full citations, here.
To achieve scientific acceptance, homeopathy must investigate several questions:
The activity of very highly diluted preparations. The consensus of the meeting was that there is clear evidence of this.
The content of very highly diluted homeopathic preparations. More research is needed but evidence exists that a specific signal is present in homeopathic preparations.
A theoretical framework in which the effects of homeopathic diluted preparations can be explained. The ‘Body Information Theory’ is such a theory.
The clinical effectiveness of homeopathy. Because they avoid the placebo effect, animal studies are a priority.
For human trials using Quality of Life questionnaires, studies on the activity, content and theoretical basis of homeopathic preparations were reviewed approximately 70% of cases; more in children showed improvement. Homeopathy reduced costs and allowed a better improvement in work-days lost compared with conventional practice. Randomised controlled trials (RCTs) implicitly test the placebo hypothesis; RCTs have been performed and meta-analyses conclude that there is clear evidence of efficacy which cannot be attributed to placebo effect.
Priorities depend on the audience. More research is needed especially regarding the content of homeopathic preparations and the transmission of information. Theoretical issues are also important to avoid incorrect design of research protocols. More effort should be dedicated to veterinary research. Clinical effects analysis in humans remains important. Many other questions should be prioritised, such as the potential of homeopathy to avoid invasive procedures in children and the long-term effects of homeopathy in preventing chronic complications.
Parents of children with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) face daily challenges and questions concerning how to best cope with, manage, and help their kids. Moms and dads who are not satisfied with a purely conventional medicine approach, typically because of questionable safety and effectiveness of medications, often turn to other options. Should parents consider homeopathy for ADHD? Some practitioners and researchers vote yes, and they point to the success they have witnessed in their practice and their studies. Many others, however, are not convinced about the value of homeopathy in general nor its use for this neurodevelopmental condition in particular.
Recently I interviewed Beth Landau-Halpern, a Toronto-based, classically trained homeopath who uses a wide range of natural approaches to treat ADHD, including nutritional medicine, relaxation techniques, and natural supplements along with homeopathy. Many but not all of her patients are already taking medications. Her natural therapies can both complement and enhance a child’s treatment program.
Homeopathy and ADHD: Two Studies
Landau-Halpern talked about her involvement in two studies of homeopathy and ADHD as well as about her experiences with her treatment approach overall. The two studies—one pilot study already completed and a new study currently underway that was initiated based on the findings of the first—involved evaluation of the impact of homeopathic remedies on children with ADHD.
The particulars of the first study were explained to me by one of Landau-Halpern’s colleagues, David Brulé, a research associate at the University of Toronto and owner of Riverdale Homeopathic Clinic.A total of 35 children were enrolled in the study, which involved an initial consultation with one of two homeopaths and then nine follow-up consultations.
Eighty percent of the participants completed all 10 consultations over an average of 12.1 months. During that time, a mean of three homeopathic remedies were prescribed for the children from a selection of more than three dozen options. The two found to be the most effective were phosphorus and tuberculinum. Parents were questioned about their child’s diet, but while Brulé said “diet works” for kids with ADHD, this factor was not emphasized in the study.
Overall the findings were positive: 63 percent achieved significant improvement in behavioral symptoms, and the benefits were generally observed at the seventh to eighth consultation. All of this good news prompted the researchers to plan another, larger study, which is now underway.
Based on her observations of participants in this study, Landau-Halpern explained that “most of the clients responded well to the homeopathic remedies, although it sometimes took a few months to find the most beneficial remedy.” This caveat was especially true, she said, among kids who were taking medication since “many of their ‘symptoms’ were masked” by the drugs. Overall, she believed the children’s behavioral symptoms were the most affected by the remedies, “those that the stimulant drugs don’t really affect in any case.”
What about the effect of diet and natural supplements on these patients who were taking homeopathic remedies? Landau-Halpern pointed out that many of the parents were finding it difficult to deal with the challenges of ADHD, so she did not normally introduce dietary suggestions. At the same time, she emphasized that “an optimized diet is obviously important” as are supplements, although she did not stress them in the study.
The new study, which currently is recruiting participants, will follow 180 children with ADHD. Unlike the earlier study, parents will be asked if they are using therapeutic dietary changes. (Download the announcement for recruitment into the new study.)
In her private practice, Landau-Halpern often recommends supplements for children with ADHD, especially omega-3 fatty acids. In addition she suggests B vitamins, iron, magnesium, vitamin D, zinc, and multivitamins, depending on the individual child. She also addresses diet.
When looking at the diet of a child who has ADHD, Landau-Halpern pointed out that while every child responds to preservatives, artificial colors, and artificial flavors differently, “in general, they have absolutely no place in any child’s diet—ADHD or not.” She also emphasized that eliminating these substances “can bring about huge improvements in all sorts of pathological behaviors and physical symptoms.”
In fact, cutting out foods that contain preservatives and artificial additives is the first advice she offers parents of kids with ADHD. Why? Because it works. “For some children, simply removing foods that impair their neurological function can make an enormous difference,” and that includes refined, processed foods containing artificial ingredients and preservatives as well as those to which children have a hypersensitivity.
A review in Current Psychiatry Reports that evaluated evidence for dietary and nutritional treatments, as well as homeopathy, for ADHD noted that “Controlled studies support the elimination of artificial food dyes to reduce ADHD symptoms, and that multivitamin/mineral supplements and especially essential fatty acids are suggested. Evidence for the effectiveness of homeopathy for ADHD, however, was reported to be minimal.
Read more about kids and artificial colors
That could be changing, however, as researchers continue to conduct more comprehensive studies. Therefore, for parents of children with ADHD, alternative and complementary options such as homeopathy and nutritional medicine, including the elimination of artificial dyes and flavors and preservatives, should be considered and discussed with the appropriate healthcare professionals.
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23083226 Langmuir. 2012 Nov 13;28(45):15864-75. doi: 10.1021/la303477s. Epub 2012 Nov 1. Why extreme dilutions reach non-zero asymptotes: a nanoparticulate hypothesis based on froth flotation. Chikramane PS1, Kalita D, Suresh AK, Kane SG, Bellare JR. Author information Abstract
Extreme dilutions, especially homeopathic remedies of 30c, 200c, and higher potencies, are prepared by a process of serial dilution of 1:100 per step. As a result, dilution factors of 10(60), 10(400), or even greater are achieved. Therefore, both the presence of any active ingredient and the therapeutic efficacy of these medicines have been contentious because the existence of even traces of the starting raw materials in them is inconceivable. However, physicochemical studies of these solutions have unequivocally established the presence of the starting raw materials in nanoparticulate form even in these extreme (super-Avogadro, >10(23)) dilutions. In this article, we propose and validate a hypothesis to explain how nanoparticles are retained even at such enormous dilution levels. We show that once the bulk concentration is below a threshold level of a few nanograms/milliliter (ng/mL), at the end of each dilution step, all of the nanoparticles levitate to the surface and are accommodated as a monolayer at the top. This dominant population at the air-liquid interface is preserved and carried to the subsequent step, thereby forming an asymptotic concentration. Thus, all dilutions are only apparent and not real in terms of the concentrations of the starting raw materials.
BellKoithan2012BMCCAMNanoparticleModelHomeopathyFINAL1472-6882-12-191.pdf http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/?term=2012+BMCCAM+Nanoparticle+Model+Homeopathy+FINAL+1472-6882-12-191.pdf A model for homeopathic remedy effects: low dose nanoparticles, allostatic cross-adaptation, and time-dependent sensitization in a complex adaptive system. Bell IR1, Koithan M. Author information Abstract BACKGROUND:
This paper proposes a novel model for homeopathic remedy action on living systems. Research indicates that homeopathic remedies (a) contain measurable source and silica nanoparticles heterogeneously dispersed in colloidal solution; (b) act by modulating biological function of the allostatic stress response network (c) evoke biphasic actions on living systems via organism-dependent adaptive and endogenously amplified effects; (d) improve systemic resilience. DISCUSSION:
The proposed active components of homeopathic remedies are nanoparticles of source substance in water-based colloidal solution, not bulk-form drugs. Nanoparticles have unique biological and physico-chemical properties, including increased catalytic reactivity, protein and DNA adsorption, bioavailability, dose-sparing, electromagnetic, and quantum effects different from bulk-form materials. Trituration and/or liquid succussions during classical remedy preparation create "top-down" nanostructures. Plants can biosynthesize remedy-templated silica nanostructures. Nanoparticles stimulate hormesis, a beneficial low-dose adaptive response. Homeopathic remedies prescribed in low doses spaced intermittently over time act as biological signals that stimulate the organism's allostatic biological stress response network, evoking nonlinear modulatory, self-organizing change. Potential mechanisms include time-dependent sensitization (TDS), a type of adaptive plasticity/metaplasticity involving progressive amplification of host responses, which reverse direction and oscillate at physiological limits. To mobilize hormesis and TDS, the remedy must be appraised as a salient, but low level, novel threat, stressor, or homeostatic disruption for the whole organism. Silica nanoparticles adsorb remedy source and amplify effects. Properly-timed remedy dosing elicits disease-primed compensatory reversal in direction of maladaptive dynamics of the allostatic network, thus promoting resilience and recovery from disease. SUMMARY:
Homeopathic remedies are proposed as source nanoparticles that mobilize hormesis and time-dependent sensitization via non-pharmacological effects on specific biological adaptive and amplification mechanisms. The nanoparticle nature of remedies would distinguish them from conventional bulk drugs in structure, morphology, and functional properties. Outcomes would depend upon the ability of the organism to respond to the remedy as a novel stressor or heterotypic biological threat, initiating reversals of cumulative, cross-adapted biological maladaptations underlying disease in the allostatic stress response network. Systemic resilience would improve. This model provides a foundation for theory-driven research on the role of nanomaterials in living systems, mechanisms of homeopathic remedy actions and translational uses in nanomedicine.
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