Homeopathy Halts Cuban Epidemic Better Than Vaccines
/The very serious symptoms of swamp fever include fever, diarrhea, vomiting, jaundice, meningitis, liver failure, renal damage, respiratory illness and in many cases, death.
Fortunately for Cuba, Big Pharma is not much interested in monopoly control of its healthcare system which leaves the door open for alternative and nontoxic approaches to health to bloom.
In this environment very open to homeopathy, the Finlay Institute, a Cuban research foundation, worked with Cuban doctors to develop a homeopathic nosode for swamp fever.
The remedy was based on the homeopathic principle that “like cures like” and was developed and administered on a wide scale as a preventative treatment. In 2008, 2.5 million people who were most susceptible to the disease were treated with 2 doses of the remedy seven to nine days apart. The Cuban Ministry of Public Health implemented and managed the operation.
The results of this effort were nothing short of spectacular. The typical rate of infection when vaccination and antibiotics are used is a few thousand cases per year including some deaths.
When the homeopathic remedy was used, however, only ten cases of swamp fever were reported among the 2.5 million treated with the homeopathic nosode with no mortality of any hospitalized patients!
The financial cost to the Cuban government for this astonishingly successful health campaign was only $200,000 compared with the $2,000,000 that would have been incurred for conventional vaccination and antibiotics.
Not only was homeopathy clearly more effective than vaccines for preventing swamp fever, it was also a much more cost effective solution with no toxic side effects such as is the case with vaccination.
Homeopathy for epidemics works. There is no need for toxic and expensive vaccine injections which produce masses of auto-immune compromised children and adults alike in need and dependent upon – more drugs!
The catalyst for widespread use of homeopathic nosodes as a safe and effective alternative to the ever growing list of toxic vaccines must come from parents, in particular mothers. Mothers must refuse toxic vaccines for their children and demand this type of safe and effective remedy at a grassroots level as it will never come from the conventional medical establishment which has a strongly invested profit motive for keeping things the way they are.
Sarah, The Healthy Home Economist
Your Wellness Team at
~Access Natural Healing Centre~
“The information contained in this message is for educational purposes and constitutes a response to a private request for information only and does not constitute a solicitation for services and makes no claim or promise that any product or service that may cure any condition or ailment,”
Homeopathy Halts Cuban Epidemic Better Than Vaccines
/Your Wellness Team at
~Access Natural Healing Centre~
“The information contained in this message is for educational purposes and constitutes a response to a private request for information only and does not constitute a solicitation for services and makes no claim or promise that any product or service that may cure any condition or ailment,”
Top 14 Remedies for Labour and Birth:
/Top 14 Remedies for Labour and Birth: Homeopathy offers simple help for labour and birthing problems. We’ve collected 14 of the best remedies and the indications for their use. Commonly Used Birth Remedies Aconite napellus (Acon): Contractions feel violent and intense, producing a state of fear and anxiety. Restless, agitated and fearful that may die. Baby appears shocked and frightened after birth. Arnica montana (Arn) – Feel bruised, sore, as if beaten during labour. Don’t want people to touch. To relieve soft tissue damage (perineum or abdomen) following birth or caesarian section – reduces swelling, bruising, and risk of infection, and promotes healing. Caput or cephalohaematoma of newborn. Arsenicum album (Ars) – Anxious restlessness leading to physical exhaustion. Chilly with anxiety. Perineal infections following childbirth. Bellis perennis (Bell-p) – For bruised, sore pelvic or abdominal tissues following birth or Caesarean section. Bellis often follows well after Arnica, or when Arnica has failed to relieve the discomfort or pain. Caulophyllum (Caul) – False labour where pains fly about the abdomen. Rigid cervix with pricking pains – cervix fails to dilate. Contractions become irregular and cease. Cimicifuga racemosa (Cimic) – Cervix spasms and becomes rigid on examination. Uterus ascends high into the abdomen during contraction. Pains fly from side to side of the abdomen. Irregular but painful contractions. (Note: Caulophyllum and Cimicifuga can be alternated 15 minutes apart when contractions are irregular and it is hard to determine which remedy is needed. Cease upon contractions becoming established and regular). Chamomilla (Cham) – The pains feel unbearable, even early in the labour. Extremely irritable or angry. No matter what is offered or done, it is not right. Hands and feet cold. Gelsemium sempervirens (Gels) – Weakness and exhaustion – difficult to support weight. Muscles tremble with the effort of movement. Contractions weaken and cease. Hypericum perforatum (Hyper) – Shooting nerve pains following perineal damage or caesarian section. Kali-carbonicum (Kali-c) – Irregular contractions. Pain of contractions felt mainly in the back (ie – with posterior postion babies). Feels as if back may break, much better for firm pressure. Fearful of dying. Kali-phosphoricum (Kali-p) – Physical exhaustion either during or after labour where few other symptoms may be present (cf – Ars). Pulsatilla pratensis (Puls) – Changeable and erratic contractions. Very restless. Weepy and wanting support and comfort from others. Happy to be held. Pyrogenium (Pyrog) – Not likely to be needed but very important remedy if a post-partum infection in the uterus develops following childbirth. Works much better and more rapidly than antibiotics. Can be used for protective effects against infection of mother or baby if the membranes have been ruptured for a long time before the onset of labour, especially if a temperature develops. Staphysagria (Staph) – Useful following incision, penetration, or stretching of muscle fibres, as happens with a Caesarean sections or dilatation and curettage (d&c). It encourages the quick healing of incisional or lacerated wounds. Relieves the feelings of anger, resentment, disappointment, and emotional upset that may follow a Caesarean birth.
Guidelines for Use While all remedies can be given as pills, there are advantages to dissolving them in water so they can be given in a liquid form. Further information can be found at: Instructions for Turning Pills into Liquid Remedies.
Not every symptom has to be present for the remedy to help – use the remedy that is the best match.
Commence with a 30C potency, only progressing to a 200C potency if the 30C potency is no longer helping.
During labour remedies can be given as often as every 10 – 15 minutes, if needed. If there has been no improvement in symptoms at all by three doses, stop and change to a better-indicated remedy. Once there is improvement redose only if symptoms returns.
If using remedies for discomfort or pain following labour, take a dose every hour until discomfort is relieved. If there is no improvement at all by three doses, stop and change to a better-indicated remedy. Once there is improvement redose only if the discomfort or pain returns.
If you come across the recommendation that Cimicifuga and Caulophyllum should be given routinely to prepare for labour please disregard this information. Labour can be made more vigorous or painful in ‘sensitive’ people if remedies are given when not needed. It is much better to use remedies when symptoms are present – not in expectation of symptoms. http://homeopathyplus.com.au/labour-and-birthing-remedies/
Top 14 Remedies for Labour and Birth:
/Homeopathy offers simple help for labour and birthing problems. We’ve collected 14 of the best remedies and the indications for their use.
Commonly Used Birth Remedies
Aconite napellus (Acon): Contractions feel violent and intense, producing a state of fear and anxiety. Restless, agitated and fearful that may die. Baby appears shocked and frightened after birth.
Arnica montana (Arn) – Feel bruised, sore, as if beaten during labour. Don’t want people to touch. To relieve soft tissue damage (perineum or abdomen) following birth or caesarian section – reduces swelling, bruising, and risk of infection, and promotes healing. Caput or cephalohaematoma of newborn.
Arsenicum album (Ars) – Anxious restlessness leading to physical exhaustion. Chilly with anxiety. Perineal infections following childbirth.
Bellis perennis (Bell-p) – For bruised, sore pelvic or abdominal tissues following birth or Caesarean section. Bellis often follows well after Arnica, or when Arnica has failed to relieve the discomfort or pain.
Caulophyllum (Caul) – False labour where pains fly about the abdomen. Rigid cervix with pricking pains – cervix fails to dilate. Contractions become irregular and cease.
Cimicifuga racemosa (Cimic) – Cervix spasms and becomes rigid on examination. Uterus ascends high into the abdomen during contraction. Pains fly from side to side of the abdomen. Irregular but painful contractions. (Note: Caulophyllum and Cimicifuga can be alternated 15 minutes apart when contractions are irregular and it is hard to determine which remedy is needed. Cease upon contractions becoming established and regular).
Chamomilla (Cham) – The pains feel unbearable, even early in the labour. Extremely irritable or angry. No matter what is offered or done, it is not right. Hands and feet cold.
Gelsemium sempervirens (Gels) – Weakness and exhaustion – difficult to support weight. Muscles tremble with the effort of movement. Contractions weaken and cease.
Hypericum perforatum (Hyper) – Shooting nerve pains following perineal damage or caesarian section.
Kali-carbonicum (Kali-c) – Irregular contractions. Pain of contractions felt mainly in the back (ie – with posterior postion babies). Feels as if back may break, much better for firm pressure. Fearful of dying.
Kali-phosphoricum (Kali-p) – Physical exhaustion either during or after labour where few other symptoms may be present (cf – Ars).
Pulsatilla pratensis (Puls) – Changeable and erratic contractions. Very restless. Weepy and wanting support and comfort from others. Happy to be held.
Pyrogenium (Pyrog) – Not likely to be needed but very important remedy if a post-partum infection in the uterus develops following childbirth. Works much better and more rapidly than antibiotics. Can be used for protective effects against infection of mother or baby if the membranes have been ruptured for a long time before the onset of labour, especially if a temperature develops.
Staphysagria (Staph) – Useful following incision, penetration, or stretching of muscle fibres, as happens with a Caesarean sections or dilatation and curettage (d&c). It encourages the quick healing of incisional or lacerated wounds. Relieves the feelings of anger, resentment, disappointment, and emotional upset that may follow a Caesarean birth.
Guidelines for Use
While all remedies can be given as pills, there are advantages to dissolving them in water so they can be given in a liquid form. Further information can be found at: Instructions for Turning Pills into Liquid Remedies.
Not every symptom has to be present for the remedy to help – use the remedy that is the best match.
Commence with a 30C potency, only progressing to a 200C potency if the 30C potency is no longer helping.
During labour remedies can be given as often as every 10 – 15 minutes, if needed. If there has been no improvement in symptoms at all by three doses, stop and change to a better-indicated remedy. Once there is improvement redose only if symptoms returns.
If using remedies for discomfort or pain following labour, take a dose every hour until discomfort is relieved. If there is no improvement at all by three doses, stop and change to a better-indicated remedy. Once there is improvement redose only if the discomfort or pain returns.
If you come across the recommendation that Cimicifuga and Caulophyllum should be given routinely to prepare for labour please disregard this information. Labour can be made more vigorous or painful in ‘sensitive’ people if remedies are given when not needed. It is much better to use remedies when symptoms are present – not in expectation of symptoms.
Effective Cancer Treatment with Popular Cuban Homeopathic Drug Vidatox
/Effective Cancer Treatment with Popular Cuban Homeopathic Drug Vidatox
What is Vidatox?
Vidatox is a drug produced from five protein peptides extracted from the venom of the blue scorpion (Rophalorus junceus), which is endemic to Cuba and which has analgesic, anti-inflammatory and anti-carcinogenic effect in more than 15 different cancer cell lines. The result of 15 years of research, by October 2010 Vidatox had been tested on more than 10,000 cancer patients, some 3,500 of them foreigners, with positive results both in improving quality of life and stopping tumour growth.
Labiofam, a Cuban pharmaceutical laboratory, is set to release a new homeopathic cancer drug to the international market. Marketed as Vidatox, it is the result of work by Cuban biologist, Misael Bordier with the venom of the blue scorpion.
The medication was produced from over 5,000 scorpions of the Rhopalurus junceus variety, native to eastern Cuba. According to the company, it has no contraindications and is compatible with any other oncological treatment.
The company presented the results of its Vidatox research in its first international congress in late September in Havana before some 500 delegates from all parts of the world. Vidatox International Congress: Results of Scientific Research
The Company is all set to register its homeopathic version in coming days and go for its commercial production. The medication, and Labiofam says that its homeopathic version should be registered in the coming days and could be commercially produced immediately. González added that the company would continue research to produce synthetic or biotechnological versions of the compound.
Report on the Current Situation Regarding Vidatox 30 CH (Translated from Spanish)
The use of natural products in traditional and alternative medicine is widely practiced today. In particular, the Poison Scorpion have been little studied and a few years ago began their potential pharmacological evidence.
In Cuba there are 32 species and subspecies of scorpions, including 28 endemic among the most common being the scorpion Rhopalurus junceus the which has been used in traditional medicine to apply under the Cuban stomach in case of urinary retention and improvement of some diseases.
The 30 CH VIDATOX ® is the registered trademark for the drug homeopathic and natural (health record: H-11 – 038 – NO2) obtained from junceus Rhopalurus scorpion venom, endemic to Cuba, indicated as adjunctive therapy in the treatment of symptoms caused by effects of cancer and pain relief. The decision to produce is the result over 15 years of a research project aimed at characterization of the poison, and evaluating their potential as antitumor agent, analgesic, antiinflammatory, and toxicological safety.
Based on the evidence of safety and efficacy provided by the preclinical research, VIDATOX 30 CH was applied in a controlled study of 174 cancer patients of both sexes with histopathological diagnosis confirmed, which was administered 5 sublingual drops every 12 hours during the period 3/12/2007 to 2/2/2010.
Samples were grouped by location, neoplastic families, stage evolution of the disease, treatment received and the presence of cancer neoplasia. At the conclusion of the study period (2 years) lung, prostate, colon, breast and uterus were the most sensitive effect of the product. Similarly, it is demonstrated that administration of medication in 96% of patients, led to a life of greater than 12 months regardless of the location and stage of disease, especially in those patients for whom there were no treatment options available in conventional medicine.
As another important clinical outcome may be mentioned that 90% of patients who received VIDATOX ® 30 CH in the dose given, reported improvement of clinical symptoms based on consultation, and in 62% of them initial pain evolved into a mild form that did not require treatment necessarily to their relief, while 27% said absence of pain.
This latter aspect of his enormous influence on the quality of life of patients, is important to detail that 62% of patients with presence of severe pain with continuing need for medication (level 2), after treatment passed to the condition of minimal or moderate pain without medication (level 1).
Generally in patients comprising the sample are referred to herein has been:
- Improvement in pain
- Improvement of inflammation
- Improvement in hematologic parameters
- Improvement of appetite
- Improvement of general health
- Improved function in organs and systems affected
- Weight gain
- Reduction of cough
- Desire to live
We conclude that the use of 30 CH VIDATOX ®, can improve the quality of life, increase survival and slow tumor growth without the appearance of patients today cause undesirable symptoms and cytostatics radiation to which we subject our patients.
In this context, one should not ignore the massive consumption of the product for more of 26,000 people, from October 1 to April 10 of 2010 without reported adverse effects to date of application, confirming the preclinical experimental results.
MSC: Fabio De J. Linares Pazoz Production manager Laboratories Homeopathic Products LABIOFAM-CUBA
The use of Arsenicum album 30c to complement conventional treatment of neonatal diarrhoea (‘scours’) in calves
Available online 5 September 2006.
In a pilot double blind study carried out in Scotland, the effect of supplementing a conventional treatment plan with homoeopathic Arsenicum albumwas studied. In the management of neonatal calf scour it appeared that more animals recovered after one day in the group that had received active medicine, than in the placebo group. These results are encouraging.
Keywords: Scours; Arsenicum album; Calves; Diarrhoea; neonatal; Veterinary medicine
Inhibition of basophil activation by histamine: a sensitive and reproducible model for the study of the biological activity of high dilutions
Received 8 July 2009; revised 21 September 2009; Accepted 23 September 2009. Available online 27 November 2009.
At the beginning of this series of experiments we were looking for a model based on the use of purified commercially available compounds based on a fully described and accepted pharmacological model to study of the biological effect of high dilutions. Negative feedback induced by histamine, a major pro-inflammatory mediator, on basophils and mast cells activation via an H2 receptor me these criteria. The simplest way of measuring basophil activation in the early 1980's was the human basophil activation test (HBDT).
Our major goal was first to study the biological effect of centesimal histamine dilutions beyond the Avogadro limit, on the staining properties of human basophils activated by an allergen extract initially house dust mite, then an anti-IgE and N-formyl-Met-Leu-Phe (fMLP). Technical development over the 25 years of our work led us to replace the manual basophil counting by flow cytometry. The main advantages were automation and observer independence. Using this latter protocol our aim was to confirm the existence of this phenomenon and to check its specificity by testing, under the same conditions, inactive analogues of histamine and histamine antagonists. More recently, we developed an animal model (mouse basophils) to study the effect of histamine on histamine release.
Methods and results
For the HBDT model basophils were obtained by sedimentation of human blood taken on EDTA and stained with Alcian blue. Results were expressed in percentage activation. Histamine dilutions tested were freshly prepared in the lab by successive centesimal dilutions and vortexing. Water controls were prepared in the same way. For the flow cytometric protocol basophils were first labeled by an anti-IgE FITC (basophil marker) and an anti-CD63 (basophil activation marker). Results were expressed in percentage of CD63 positive basophils. Another flow cytometric protocol has been developed more recently, based on basophil labeling by anti-IgE FITC (fluorescein isothiocyanate) and anti-CD203 PE (another human basophil activation marker). Results were expressed in mean fluorescence intensity of the CD203c positive population (MFI-CD203c) and an activation index calculated by an algorithm. For the mouse basophil model, histamine was measured spectrofluorimetrically.
The main results obtained over 28 years of work was the demonstration of a reproducible inhibition of human basophil activation by high dilutions of histamine, the effect peaks in the range of 15–17CH. The effect was not significant when histamine was replaced by histidine (a histamine precursor) or cimetidine (histamine H2 receptor antagonist) was added to the incubation medium. These results were confirmed by flow cytometry. Using the latter technique, we also showed that 4-Methyl histamine (H2 agonist) induced a similar effect, in contrast to 1-Methyl histamine, an inactive histamine metabolite.
Using the mouse model, we showed that histamine high dilutions, in the same range of dilutions, inhibited histamine release.
Successively, using different models to study of human and murine basophil activation, we demonstrated that high dilutions of histamine, in the range of 15–17CH induce a reproducible biological effect. This phenomenon has been confirmed by a multi-center study using the HBDT model and by at least three independent laboratories by flow cytometry. The specificity of the observed effect was confirmed, versus the water controls at the same dilution level by the absence of biological activity of inactive compounds such as histidine and 1-Methyl histamine and by the reversibility of this effect in the presence of a histamine receptor H2 antagonist.
Keywords: Human basophil; Mouse basophil; High dilutions; Homoeopathy; Histamine; Flow cytometry; Histamine release; IL4 release
Homeopathic Arnica montana for post-tonsillectomy analgesia: a randomised placebo control trial
/Homeopathic Arnica montana for post-tonsillectomy analgesia: a randomised placebo control trial A. Robertson1, R. Suryanarayanan2, Corresponding Author Contact Information, E-mail The Corresponding Author, A Banerjee3 Purchase 1 ENT Department, University Hospital of Wales, Cardiff, UK 2 ENT Department, Arrowe Park Hospital, Wirral, UK 3 ENT Department, Leicester Royal Infirmary, Leicester, UK Received 19 June 2006; revised 3 August 2006; Accepted 30 October 2006. Available online 14 January 2007.
Abstract Objective: To evaluate the efficacy of Homeopathic Arnica in reducing the morbidity following tonsillectomy
Methods: Randomised double blind, placebo controlled trial at a tertiary referral centre. 190 patients over the age of 18 undergoing tonsillectomy were randomised into intervention and control groups receiving either Arnica 30c or identical placebo, 2 tablets 6 times in the first post-operative day and then 2 tablets twice a day for the next 7 days. The primary outcome measure was the change in pain scores (visual analogue scale) recorded by the patient on a questionnaire over 14 days post-operatively; Secondary outcome measures were: analgesia consumption, visits to the GP or hospital, antibiotic usage, the day on which their swallowing returned to normal and the day on which they returned to work. Results: 111 (58.4%) completed questionnaires were available for analysis. The Arnica group had a significantly larger drop in pain score from day 1 to day 14 (28.3) compared to the placebo group (23.8) with p<0.05. The two groups did not differ significantly on analgesic consumption or any of the other secondary outcome measures (number of post-operative visits to GP, use of antibiotics and secondary haemorrhage readmissions).
Conclusion: The results of this trial suggest that Arnica montana given after tonsillectomy provides a small, but statistically significant, decrease in pain scores compared to placebo. Keywords: homeopathy; surgery; pain management; tonsillectomy
Homeopathic and integrative treatment for feline hyperthyroidism – four cases (2006–2010)
Received 7 February 2011; revised 13 May 2011; Accepted 24 May 2011. Available online 28 September 2011.
Hyperthyroidism is a frequent veterinary problem, particularly in elderly cats. Homeopathic treatment and other integrative modalities were provided for four hyperthyroid cats whose owners did not want conventional treatment. Symptomatic homeopathic treatment with Thyroidinum was helpful in one cat. All cats were prescribed an appropriate individualized homeopathic remedy. All four cats showed resolution of clinical signs; three attained normal thyroid hormone levels. Three cats later received acupuncture and/or herbal medicines; two cats later received symptomatic homeopathic remedies. Two cats are thriving after over 3.5 and 4.25 years of treatment; two were euthanized for unrelated problems after 3 and 4 years of treatment. Homeopathic and complementary therapies avoid the potential side effects of methimazole and surgical thyroidectomy, they are less costly than radioactive iodine treatment, and they provide an option for clients who decline conventional therapies.
Keywords: Hyperthyroidism; Feline; Thyroidinum; Constitutional; Individualized; Veterinary; Homeopathy
Ultra High Dilution of triiodothyronine modifies cellular apoptosis in Rana catesbeiana tadpole tail in vitro
/J.R.P. Guedes1, ,
, S. Carrasco2, C.M. Ferreira3, L.V. Bonamin4, 5, W. Souza1, C. Goldenstein-Schainberg2, E.R. Parra1, V.L. Capelozzi1
Received 14 June 2010; revised 27 April 2011; Accepted 6 May 2011. Available online 28 September 2011.
Ultra High Dilutions (UHD) are diluted beyond the Avogadro limit with dynamization (dilution with succussion). The process of anuran amphibian metamorphosis is controlled by thyroid hormones, including the resorption of the tadpole tail.
A randomized and blinded study was performed to investigate the influence of triiodothyronine (T3) 5 · 10−24 M (10cH) on apoptosis induced by T3 100 nM in Rana catesbeiana tadpoles’ tail tips, in vitro. Explants were randomized to three groups: control: no T3 in pharmacological or UHD dose; test: T3 100 nM and challenged with T3 10cH (UHD); positive control: T3 100 nM, treated with unsuccussed ethanol. The apoptotic index and the area of explants of test and control groups at the first and final day of the experiment were compared by t-test.
There was no difference in tail tip area between test and control groups, but a significantly higher (p < 0.01) index of apoptosis in explants of the test group.
This data suggest that T3 10cH modifies the effect of T3 at pharmacological dose, opening new perspectives for further studies and investigation of the dose–effect curve.
Keywords: Ultra High Dilution; Triiodothyronine; Apoptosis; Rana catesbeiana; Organ culture; Metamorphosis; Endo-isopathy; Homeopathy
Influence of Potassium Dichromate on Tracheal Secretions in Critically Ill Patients*
/Influence of Potassium Dichromate on Tracheal Secretions in Critically Ill Patients*Michael Frass, MD; Christoph Dielacher, RN; Manfred Linkesch, MD; Christian Endler, PhD; Ilse Muchitsch, PhD; Ernst Schuster, PhD; and Alan Kaye, MD Background: Stringy, tenacious tracheal secretions may prevent extubation in patients weaned from the respirator. This prospective, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study with parallel assignment was performed to assess the influence of sublingually administered potassium dichromate C30 on the amount of tenacious, stringy tracheal secretions in critically ill patients with a history of tobacco use and COPD. Methods: In this study, 50 patients breathing spontaneously with continuous positive airway pressure were receiving either potassium dichromate C30 globules (group 1) [Deutsche Ho- mo ̈opathie-Union, Pharmaceutical Company; Karlsruhe, Germany] or placebo (group 2). Five globules were administered twice daily at intervals of 12 h. The amount of tracheal secretions on day 2 after the start of the study as well as the time for successful extubation and length of stay in the ICU were recorded. Results: The amount of tracheal secretions was reduced significantly in group 1 (p < 0.0001). Extubation could be performed significantly earlier in group 1 (p < 0.0001). Similarly, length of stay was significantly shorter in group 1 (4.20 1.61 days vs 7.68 3.60 days, p < 0.0001 [mean SD]). Conclusion: These data suggest that potentized (diluted and vigorously shaken) potassium dichromate may help to decrease the amount of stringy tracheal secretions in COPD patients. (CHEST 2005; 127:936–941) Key words: COPD; double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study; extubation; homeopathy; tracheal secretions Abbreviations: APACHE acute physiology and chronic health evaluation; BMI body mass index; CPAP con- tinuous positive airway pressure; Fio2 fraction of inspired oxygen
Research Study on the remedy "Plumbum metallicum"
/Homeopathic pathogenetic trial of Plumbum metallicum: the complete 2000 trial with a synthesis of the original 1828 trial
ABSTRACT Background: in a previous paper we reported the statistical analysis and other distribution data of a homeopathic pathogenetic trial (HPT) of Plumbum metallicum 30cH carried out by our group. However, at that time we did not report the resulting pure materia medica, i.e., the totality of symptoms elicited by the tested medicine on healthy volunteers. Aim: to communicate to the homeopathic community the full record of symptoms collected in our HPT of Plb. Methods: methods to collect and select symptoms have been reported in the previous paper. In synthesis were excluded all previous common symptoms of volunteers, even with slight differences, and selected only those that were really unknown, never seen, unusual or very strange for the prover. In this paper special emphasis was given to new symptoms as well as unusual or repeated dreams, while in the previous paper special emphasis was given to repeated and crossed symptoms. Results: symptoms are reported in their chronological order of appearance in each volunteer. 37 new symptoms were found, useful to update Homeopathic Repertories. It is also included a synthesis of the original HPT of Plb carried out in 1828 in order to make available the full experimental materia medica currently existing. Conclusions: the new HPT, besides widening the pathogenetic picture of Plb (skin and mucosae symptoms), also allowed us to give new and deeper meanings to some of the symptoms reported in the original trial, such as Anxiety, Activity, Depression, Slowness, Gastro-oesophageal problems, Colitis. The dreams complete the remedy image, mainly in work, religion and sexual themes. Up to the present time there is no peer-reviewed publication devoted to HPTs. For this reason, researchers are compelled to publish HPTs as private editions. This results in poor control of the quality of publications and a lack of standards on how to present the results of HPTs. Key words: Homeopathic pathogenetic trials, Plumbum metallicum, retrial, clinical indications.
70% success rate
/Elena Cecchetto DCH, CCH, RSHom(NA)
“The information contained in this message is for educational purposes and constitutes a response to a private request for information only and does not constitute a solicitation for services and makes no claim or promise that any product or service that may cure any condition or ailment,”
A positive effect from Homeopathic care
/health concerns successfully with homeopathy:
* Autism Spectrum Disorder
* Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
* Insomnia
* Longstanding phobias, fears, & nightmares
* Fibromyalgia
* Colitis, duodenal ulcers, & other digestive complaints
* Chronic Fatigue syndrome
* Multiple Sclerosis and other neurological illnesses
* Asthma and other respiratory problems
* Depression
* Eczema, psoriasis, warts and other skin problems
I have helped people with the following ACUTE
health concerns successfully with homeopathy:
* whooping cough
* measles, mumps, and other childhood illnesses
* sprains, strains, fractures, and wounds (speeds up the healing)
* delivery and post delivery
* coughs, earache, and tonsillitis
and many more...