ABC News Doc Recommends Homeopathy for Stomach Viruses

ABC News Doc Recommends Homeopathy for Stomach Viruses  January 26, 2012 by Peter Filed under Blog, Flu, Homeopathy In The News, Parents Guide to Children's Health 

ABC News doc - Dr. Albert Levy M.D. just did a story for ABC on stomach viruses.  Eli Manning of the New York Giants recently had a bad stomach virus - so ABC wanted to share treatment options with their viewers.  In the piece, viewable at the link below, Dr. Albert Levy M.D. recommends homeopathic remedies for these viruses.  Good piece.  Check it out! 

And if you want to learn how to treat stomach bugs and other acute conditions like earaches, sore throats, coughs, flu and more - consider becoming a member of the National Center for Homeopathy. 



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