It was in 1873 that Dr. Schuessler published his first article about the biochemic form of medicine. He identified a basic understanding about this medical view. It is based on three main principles.
The human body contains twelve vital inorganic elements which are responsible for maintenance of normal cell function.
When from some cause, one or more of these elements become deficient the normal cell function or metabolism is disturbed and a condition arises known as disease.By supplying to the system the lacking elements in the form of Schuessler Biochemic Remedies normal cell function and health can be restored.
Biochemistry is derived from Greek and means Bio (Life) and chemistry. Dr Schuessler meant his system was the chemistry of life. His view was that the body needed particular inorganic compounds that were normally present in the body to be in their proper amounts. When the body became diseased, the restoration of the Biochemic salts would heal the diseased condition.
These inorganic cell salts are the building blocks of all organic matter in the body and Dr. Schuessler set out to identify them and use them as tissue restorers. He set out to identify the diseases associated with the mineral deficiencies. In his findings it may be necessary to treat a single expression of disease with more than one tissue salt or Biochemic remedy.
In order for the body to assimilate these cell salts they needed to be triturated so they were easily absorbed by the body. In Schuessler’s treatise he did not specify the exact process but most cell salts are available in the 6X potency. This is where the overlap into homeopathic materia medica happened. Schuessler did not perform provings on his preparations. So most of the information of the homeopathic remedies that are of his original cell salts are from observation and anecdotal evidence.
The twelve Biochemic Cell Salts and some of their main indications are:
Calcarea Flourica - This works with connective tissues and albumen making elastic fibre. It is the main constituent in tooth enamel and the elastic fiber of all muscular tissue and connective tissue. It is good for conditions of blood vessels, hemorrhoids, varicose veins and hardened glands. The symptoms of this remedy are worse in damp weather and relieved by rubbing.
Calcarea Phosphorica - It is a constituent of the bones, teeth, connective tissue, blood corpuscles and gastric juice. It helps give solidity to bones and teeth. This is a valuable childhood remedy as it has much to do with development of the body. It is useful in all bone diseases and diseases of the teeth. It is especially useful in convalescence after acute disease. Aids in the union of bone fractures. Cold, motion, change of weather, and getting wet aggravate symptoms. Relieved by rest and warmth.
Calcarea Sulphurica - This inorganic salt is found in the skin and the blood. It acts as a preventative of cell disintegration and suppuration. It is indicated in the last stages of suppuration and is especially good in the treatment of catarrh, boils, carbuncles,ulcers and abscesses. Silica hastens the process whereas Calc Sulph completes the process. It’s indications are thick, heavy pussy yellow discharges, sometimes streaked with blood. Aggravated by getting wet.
Ferrum Phosphoricum - This is the remedy for inflammatory conditions. It is found in blood and gives blood it’s red color. It carries oxygen to all parts of the body. It gives strength to vessels and arteries of the circulatory system. It is indicated in relaxed conditions of the muscular tissue and abnormal conditions of the blood. It is useful in all inflammations before exudation has begun. It is tonic for anemia. Hot face, fever, quick pulse, thirst, redness of parts. It is aggravated by motion and relieved by cold.
Kali Muriaticum - This cell salt unites with albumen and forms fibrin which is found in all tissues in the body except bone. When deficient in the body it causes a discharge of thick, white, sticky, character from the mucous membranes. The person will also have a thickly coated tongue. Chiefly used in catarrhal conditions. Colds, croup, diarrhea, bronchitis. Symptoms are worse from motion and rich or fatty foods.
Kali Phosphoricum - This is the great nerve and brain remedy. It is main constituent of brain matter when it combines with albumen. When ever a disease can be traced to a nerve degeneracy think of Kali Phospricum. Indications are loss of mental vigor, poor memory, depression, nervousness, brain-fag. Other indications are bad breath, diarrhea, dizziness from nervous exhaustion. Symptoms are aggravated by noise, mental or physical exertion, initial motion after rest.and cold air. Better from gentle motion, eating, rest and mental diversion.
Kali Sulphuricum - This cell salt carries oxygen to the skin. It furnishes the basis for health skin and scalp.It’s secretions are sticky and slimy. Slimy yellow coating on the tongue. Skin conditions when the secretions are sticky, yellowish