Another Homeopathy Documentary in the works

Includes worldwide 'visual testimonials'! A much anticipated release.

People who have used homeopathy have a lot of positive and dramatic stuff to say about it!

Very simple, it DOES work. No need to have faith; when you get the right remedy it works. I suffered with 7 years of Chronic Fatigue syndrome that was completely cured with homeopathy.
— Happy Homeopathic Client
I was amazed since my parents have always used homeopathic medication for hayfever and other allergies.
— Skeptic


[With] this recent batch of remedies... J.A. has continued to make remarkable progress. During the course of the last month he has eaten foods with egg and dairy in them without any reaction! Previous months, we conquered re-introducing wheat successfully. He has maintained good health as well. Thank you for everything you are doing.
— I.A., father of a 17-year-old who previously had lifelong allergic reactions to wheat, eggs and dairy