Pace (Peeace)

Peace in the world of homeopathy? In this past year of homeopathy in Canada, we experienced a total of three episodes of fabricated stories created by CBC's Marketplace. In the meanwhile there also has been a release of a number of significant research in homeopathy that speaks to much of the misinformation perpetuated by skeptics. To balance out this feeling of being persecuted, I have had to travel to the reputedly innovative society of Rome, Italy! Here, I am not only surrounding myself with the scientific minds of the homeopathic community, I have surrounded myself with a population that makes use of this ancient medicine. According to wikipedia; "Italy: A survey of more than 70,000 citizens showed that approximately 4.7 million people in Italy (8.2% of the population) used homeopathy in the period from 1997 to 1999, including being given to 7.7% children under 14 years . The relative increase for using homeopathy rose from 2.5% of Italians in 1991 to 8.2% in 1999, but, despite the increase these numbers are still considered to represent comparatively light use compared to other countries." Elena Cecchetto CCH, RSHom(NA), MSc(CAND) is creating and sharing homeopathic education, research/revolution Our medical industry need radical change through the power of the people (I'm supporting the popular demand for homeopathy in a progressively affordable way).

Very much in the medical industry can be changed with so little funding for homeopathy because of the strong principles of healing that homeopathy is based on. It has been using in the very same manner for over 200 years. Did you know that homeoprophylaxis (using homeopathic remedies to prevent specific diseases) started to be used in 1799? This preliminary research is the beginning of development of more research to continue to make it clear how pertanent that homeopathic medicine can be for the prevention of specific infectious diseases. Once 'the science' of homeopathy can penetrate the narrow prevailing conventional medical system I see a way that it can quickly turn the tides on the current view of homeopathy and holistic medicine and allow the evidence of how perfectly useful that homeopathy can be to help ourselves, our societies and generations become healthier instead of less healthy.

I will soon also be published in Links Magazine and has accepted one of my projects and will be published on July 17th. This research was also accepted to be postered at the annual IN-CAM Research Conference (again; all at my expense) and at the Homeopathic Research Institute in Rome. These projects took a lot of time and work despite that there is no compensation for these expenses.

While reading this plea, you might wonder to yourself of the reasons that I continue to follow my attempt to offer homeopathy despite the odds? ...that NOT doing so feels like an abandonment of the primary code of conduct as a health practitioner ‘do no harm’ and against following the code ethics within the principles of beneficence and non-malevolence 4. If I don’t offer something that I know can benefit someone’s condition of health; then I feel that I am not acting as the compassionate human being that I know I am. If you would like to find out more, please contact me.

It is imperative to the forward movement of homeopathy as an option in Canada and will have very positive implications on my abilities to pursue important avenues as a rigorous and relevant researcher of holistic health options for all of us. This funding will contribute to supporting homeopaths in their unpaid work for people who can't afford to pay out of pocket.

Homeopathy is second only to Jesus as the two most controversial topics according to Wikipedia 1. Considering my previous career in political advocacy focusing on environmental and conservation issues, I sometimes ask myself; Is that what attracted me to homeopathy? No! It was the fact that once I gave it a try for my lifetime struggle with de-habilitating eczema, it did something that nothing else could do for me and so I was ecstatic 2. That success indeed was what made me passionate about ensuring that people have ACCESS and know about homeopathy as an option if they so choose. Fortunately, that passion has led me here – writing to justify the amazing healing that I am now able to do for many others, now that I’ve spent over ten years continuing to study all aspects of homeopathy above and beyond my four year diploma requirement in order to call myself a homeopathic practitioner 3.


1. last accessed January 9, 15.

2.Medhurst, R. (2013). Homoeopathy for Eczema. Journal Of The Australian Traditional-Medicine Society, 19(2), 104-106.

3. last accessed January 9, 15.

4. last accessed January 9, 15. Risks and challenges Risks and Challenges. This project may get the attention of some skeptics and could be somehow interpreted as a negative project, however, as outlined above, this is not from a love of rigorous science but for a fear of change. This - I have discovered is just part and parcel of being a professionally sought after homeopathic practitioner and will not deter me from my passion for the truth and knowledge of true health and healing for everyone.

EU orders Britain's organic farmers to treat sick animals with homeopathy

EU orders Britain's organic farmers to treat sick animals with homeopathySarah Knapton, Science Editor and Richard Orange 9:00PM BST 24 Apr 2015

British organic farmers are being forced to treat their livestock with homeopathic remedies under new European Commission rules branded ‘scientifically illiterate’ by vets.

Although homeopathy has been branded as ‘rubbish’ by the government’s Chief Medical Officer Dame Sally Davies, organic farmers have been told they must try it first under a new EU directive which came into force in January.

The regulation means that animals could be left diseased or in pain for far longer than necessary and organic meat could end up containing higher levels of bacteria, vets have warned.

John Blackwell, President of the British Veterinary Association, said: “We should always use medicines which have a strong science base and homeopathic remedies are not underpinned by any strong science.

“Disease is painful and farmers have an obligation to reduce that pain and not allow their animals to suffer so this regulation is troubling. It may lead to serious animal health and welfare detriment.

“If animals are not treated promptly it could lead to an underlying level of pathogen which could mean that the animal was no longer fit for human consumption.”

Homeopathy is nonsense, says new chief scientist

The directive states that: “it is a general requirement…for production of all organic livestock that (herbal) and homeopathic products… shall be used in preference to chemically-synthesised allopathic veterinary treatment or antibiotics.”

Supporters claim that homeopathy can treat everything from depression to hay fever, the theory being that substances that produce the symptoms of an ailment can cure it once they have been watered down many times to reduce their strength.

Advocates of the practice claim the water retains a “memory” of the original substance.

Homeopathy is witchcraft, say doctors

However in 2010, the Science and Technology Committee ruled there was no evidence that the drugs were any more effective than a placebo while a meta-analysis by The Lancet found the treatment worked no better than a sugar-pill.

Critics argue that a placebo effect cannot possibly work on animals because they are unaware they are being treated.

The Department for Food and Rural Affairs admitted that organic farmers were bound by the new regulations but said they could resort to other means, such as antibiotics, without losing their ‘organic’ status if homeopathic remedies proved to be ineffective.

It even emerged that the British government had voted in favour of the new rules.

Why do we believe in homeopathy? Ten tricks the brain plays on us

Last week The Norwegian Veterinary Association called on their government to begin discussions with the European Union to ensure that only “scientifically documented” therapies are recommended in future.

Vets in Norway have also called on their country’s Food Standards Agency to delay fully implementing the directive in protest at the “ridiculous” guidelines.

“We think it’s totally unacceptable from a scientific point of view because there’s no scientific basis for using homeopathy,” Ellef Blakstad, scientific director of the Norwegian Veterinary Association, adding that the move was “scientifically illiterate”.

“If you start using homeopathy, you prolong the time when the animals are not getting adequate treatment and that’s a threat to animal welfare.”

The Soil Association, one of the leading bodies certifying organic produce in the UK is broadly supportive of homeopathy.

Natasha Collins-Daniel, the Soil Association’s press officer, stressed that while the use of homeopathic treatments was “not mandatory” to gain an organic certification, it could be effective.

“We have significant collective experience from livestock farmers and vets showing that herbal treatments and homeopathic approaches can help them care for their animals,” she said.

Homeopathy has prominent supporters including the Prince of Wales and Jeremy Hunt, the health secretary, however in recent years many NHS trusts have stopped funding the treatments, with prescriptions falling by 94 per cent in the last 20 years.


Armstrong, S. (2009). A homeopathic approach to cancer in animals. Homeopath Pract, 2009(2), 56.

Baptista Haine, G., Ghandour, S. E., Ghandour, S. E., & Ricardo Fréz, A. (2012). Assessment of homeopathic medicine Aconitum napellus in the treatment of anxiety in an animal model. International Journal Of High Dilution Resarch, 11(38), 33-42.

Costa, L. J., & Furlong, J. (2011). Efficiency of sulphur in garlic extract and non-sulphur homeopathy in the control of the cattle tick Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus. Medical And Veterinary Entomology, 25(1), 7-11. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2915.2010.00909.x Ribeiro Almeida, A. L., Barros e Silva, A. G., Lacerda, E. B., de Almeida Rezende Machado, N. V., Pereira, A. L., & da Silva, S. M. (2014). Pregnant dairy goats endoparasites reduced by commercial populational Homeopathy. International Journal Of High Dilution Resarch, 13(47), 135-136.

Klocke, P., Ivemeyer, S., Butler, G., Maeschli, A., & Heil, F. (2010). A randomized controlled trial to compare the use of homeopathy and internal Teat Sealers for the prevention of mastitis in organically farmed dairy cows during the dry period and 100 days post-calving. Homeopathy: The Journal Of The Faculty Of Homeopathy, 99(2), 90-98. doi:10.1016/j.homp.2009.12.001

Oberbaum, M., Spira, R. M., Lukasiewicz, E., Armon, Y., Samuels, N., Singer, S. R., & ... Hersch, M. (2011). Effect of Traumeel S on Cytokine Profile in a Cecal Ligation and Puncture (CLP) Sepsis Model in Rats. Journal Of Alternative & Complementary Medicine, 17(10), 909-913. doi:10.1089/acm.2011.0205

Šoch, M., Zábranský, L., Janoušková, A., Šimková, A., Švejdová, K., Čermák, B., & ... Maršálek, M. (2014). Influence of Alternative Methods in Treatment and Precaution of Cow Mastitis. Scientific Papers: Animal Science & Biotechnologies / Lucrari Stiintifice: Zootehnie Si Biotehnologii, 47(2), 342-346.

and the list goes on - but sure - there is definitely more that needs to be done... so help fund RESEARCH in Homeopathy so that there can be more research done!

Fractures healed faster and had better alignment with homeopathy Homeopathic remedies are regularly used to accelerate the healing of fractures, enhance callus formation and reduce pain. While these benefits have been reported by patients and prescribers in clinical practice, there has been an absence of studies to document these improvements …until recently.

Between 2009 – 2012, sixty-seven patients with fractured ankles were recruited from an Indian hospital emergency department to take part in a double blind randomized controlled study. They were divided into a homeopathic and a non-homeopathic group and all patients received standard orthopaedic care for 12 weeks following injury.

The treatment group experienced faster healing, and significant improvement in fracture line, edge, callous formation and fracture union compared to the placebo group. They also experienced less pain and used less analgesia.

More Information: Accelerating the healing of bone fracture using homeopathy: a prospective, randomized double-blind controlled study

Help Fund/Forward Future Research in Homeoprophylaxis (Homeopathy Prevention)

Help Fund/Forward Future Research in Homeoprophylaxis (Homeopathy Prevention) [embed][/embed]

My Presentation Proposal accepted at the Homeopathic Research Institute conference in Rome! Help support Research in Homeopathy!

About this project One of my research projects has been accepted to be 'postered' (see project picture) at the Homeopathic Research Institute Conference in Rome, Italy in June 2015. I applied to present at the Homeopathic Research Institute because most of my publishing homeopathic colleagues are in Europe (and my heritage is Italian) and this is my opportunity to create important research colleagues and alliances to forward this world of research hopefully extending all the way back here to There currently is the evident catch 22 of asking a homeopath for 'the science' on homeopathy and the abismal lack of funding for homeopathic research. Where exactly would this money go? Luckily - I am VERY good at finding deals: Conference Fee is 320Euros = CDN$543 Flight to Rome is CDN$1059 Hotel (AirBnB) 6 nights is 360 Euros =$485 Print & Ship the Poster $250 Plus transportation and food

So VERY much can be changed with so little homeopathic funding with homeopathy because of the strong principles of healing that homeopathy is based on and has been using in the very same manner for over 200 years. Did you know that homeoprophylaxis (using homeopathic remedies to prevent specific diseases) started to be used in 1796? This preliminary research is the beginning of development of more research to continue to make it clear how pertanent that homeopathic medicine can be for the prevention of specific infectious diseases. Once 'the science' of homeopathy can penetrate the narrow prevailing conventional medical system I see a way that it can quickly turn the tides on the current view of homeopathy and holistic medicine and allow the evidence of how perfectly useful that homeopathy can be to help ourselves, our societies and generations become healthier instead of less healthy. As I am in the throws of trying to finish my second year of my MSc of Integrated Medicine and plan this presentation in Rome, I am started to realize how little our Canadian dollars go in Europe. Plus there is currently a lack of funding for research in homeopathy in Canada which is why I am asking for your own generosity - your willingness to place your dollars into the faith that there are opportunities here for us to turn the tides and change perspectives on what are important aspects of health and healing.

While reading this plea, you might wonder to yourself of the reasons that I continue to follow my attempt to offer homeopathy despite the odds. That NOT doing so feels like an abandonment of the primary code of conduct as a health practitioner ‘do no harm’ and against following the code ethics within the principles of beneficence and non-malevolence 4. If I don’t offer something that I know can benefit someone’s condition of health; then I feel that I am not acting as the compassionate human being that I know I am. If you would like to find out more, please contact me.

This presentation is imperative to the forward movement of homeopathy as an option in Canada and will have very positive implications on my abilities to pursue important avenues as a rigorous and relevant researcher of holistic health options for all of us.

Here is the abstract of the presentation; Malaria is affecting numerous people. As Goldsmith (2011, pp 5) states: “If the World Health Organization (WHO; an agency of the United Nations) had a most wanted list of dreaded diseases, malaria would make the top three”. It affects a variety of populations over vast geographical areas, much of it rural. This makes access to treatments on a large-scale challenging. Historically, homeopathy has had success in the capacity to treat malaria symptoms. The homeopathic remedies that have generated a reputation amongst homeopaths reading about success for malaria-like fever symptoms include arsenicum, china, eupatorium, natrum mur, pulsatilla and sulphur (Curtis, 1994). There are some significant positive efforts on behalf of some homeopaths using the homeopathic malaria nosode (a nosode is a homeopathic remedy made from the disease source) working in Africa who are helping people with Malaria (Ananda, 2010). This paper will explore research that has been conducted regarding the use of homeopathy for malaria. There are a few parasites namely Plasmodium berghei, Plasmodium vivax, Plasmodium ovale, Plasmodium gallinaecum, Plasmodium chabaudi, Plasmodium malariae and Plasmodium falciparum that have been found to be responsible for Malaria. People are vulnerable to Malaria by having the parasite introduced into their bloodstream in result of being bitten by female mosquitoes (Anopheles species) carrying the infection in their saliva. Because it is transferred by mosquito to humans Malaria is referred to as a vector-borne disease. Prevention of the mosquito bites with the use of mosquito netting has been well promoted. However, the option of staying under mosquito netting all the time can be cumbersome.

The prevalence of malaria in many countries that people are travelling to makes is a disease of interest relevant to a homeopathic practice in North America where people are asking for a natural way to protect them against Malaria. The pharmaceutical answer seems to be becoming a less palatable option to travelers wanting to avoid negative drug affects. Also, there is currently no travelers’ vaccine for Malaria.

There has been an emergence of a few laboratory studies using homeopathy for prevention of malaria. In this assignment, three projects involving homeopathy and malaria. The first is by the two researchers Rajan and Bagai (2012) with an in vitro culture, the second is the three authors Bagai, Rajan, and Kaur looking at an in vivo test (2012) and the third study is by the State Health Resource Centre in Chhattisgarh (2013) distributing a homeopathic intervention to almost 100,000 people.

Homeopathy is second only to Jesus as the two most controversial topics according to Wikipedia 1. Considering my previous career in political advocacy focusing on environmental and conservation issues, I sometimes ask myself; Is that what attracted me to homeopathy? No! It was the fact that once I gave it a try for my lifetime struggle with de-habilitating eczema, it did something that nothing else could do for me and so I was ecstatic 2. That success indeed was what made me passionate about ensuring that people have ACCESS and know about homeopathy as an option if they so choose. Fortunately, that passion has led me here – writing to justify the amazing healing that I am now able to do for many others, now that I’ve spent over ten years continuing to study all aspects of homeopathy above and beyond my four year diploma requirement in order to call myself a homeopathic practitioner 3.


1. last accessed January 9, 15.

2.Medhurst, R. (2013). Homoeopathy for Eczema. Journal Of The Australian Traditional-Medicine Society, 19(2), 104-106.

3. last accessed January 9, 15.

4. last accessed January 9, 15. Risks and challenges

Interim results of a randomised controlled trial of homeopathic treatment for irritable bowel syndrome. results of a randomised controlled trial of homeopathic treatment for irritable bowel syndrome. Peckham EJ1, Relton C2, Raw J3, Walters C3, Thomas K2, Smith C3, Kapur K3, Said E3. Author information Abstract

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a chronic condition for which there is no consensus on the optimum treatment. Gastroenterology problems are some of the most common conditions treated by homeopaths, yet few trials have explored the effectiveness of individualised homeopathic treatment for IBS. A three-armed trial was conducted which compared: usual care, homeopathic treatment plus usual care and supportive listening plus usual care. The primary outcome was change in irritable bowel symptom severity score between baseline and 26 weeks, calculated using ANCOVA. An interim ANCOVA adjusted for baseline IBS severity, age and employment status found no statistically significant difference between the three arms. However, a post-hoc test comparing homeopathic treatment plus usual care to usual care alone found a statistically significant difference in favour of homeopathic treatment. In addition, 62.5 percent of patients in the homeopathic treatment arm (compared to 25.0 percent of those in the usual care arm), achieved a clinically relevant change in irritable bowel symptom severity score, which indicates a promising effect for homeopathic treatment, though these results should be interpreted with caution due to the low number of participants in the study.

Copyright © 2014 The Faculty of Homeopathy. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. KEYWORDS:

Attention control; Homeopathy; Irritable bowel syndrome; Randomised controlled trial

PMID: 24931748 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]