

Frequently indicated remedies for this condition include the following:

Phytolacca: the most frequently indicated remedy for mastitis. the breasts are often lumpy and will be caked with hard knots and nodules.

Bryonia: the breast pain is worse after any kind of movement.

Belladonna: mastitis with sudden onset, high fever and throbbing pain

Lac Caninum: the breasts are so sensitive that even the touch of clothing against the breasts is excruciatingly painful

Hepar Sulphuris: the breast is extremely painful and worse if exposed to drafts.

Silica: the breasts have painful cracks in the nipples

Give a 30C potency of the indicated remedy a few times per day until the problem resolves.

Also the topical application of calendula cream will help unblock the milk ducts.

Homeopathy on Vitality Link

Meet Elena Cecchetto, a homeopath based in Vancouver, BC.

Elena discovered homeopathy as a student in Toronto at her wit’s end with eczema.  She tried homeopathy as a last ditch effort, having experimented with countless treatments.

Elena says that’s how many people first discover the practice. “It was a last resort for me, like it is for many people. They’ve tried everything else.”

elena cecchetto treats many newborns, babies and toddlers along with pregnant and postpardum women


She explains that homeopaths get to know a client’s physical, emotional and behavioural profile and then recommend a remedy that is specifically matched to them. The remedies are made of natural ingredients and created in homeopathic pharmacies.

Elena got more than she bargained for from her first homeopathic experience. Her eczema began to go away when she took the remedy, and eventually disappeared altogether. But more than that, her experience of everyday life changed.

She says, “I just felt a level of inner joy and that the world was open to me. I wouldn’t even have been able to describe that I wanted to feel this way.”

That feeling is now what Elena aims to help her clients achieve. She gets feedback like, ‘I just feel lighter’ and ‘Things don’t bother me anymore’.

Elena sees many children in her East Vancouver practice and has special certification to treat autistic kids. She also immunizes children for a wide variety of illnesses.

She treats adult clients for many common maladies. A lactose intolerant client came in for a remedy and was able to eat ice cream and cheese the next day without any problem.

She’s helped clients navigate the spring and summer months allergy-free without taking any drugs.

She’s also treated people with addiction, depression and anxiety. In one case, a client unable to work for two weeks solid because of panic attacks was quickly back to the office after seeing Elena.

Homeopathy is generally not an overnight cure. Elena explains it takes time for the remedies to work. If you’ve been dealing with a health issue for a long time, or it occurs frequently, you should anticipate the healing process will take longer.

Elena says, “The homeopathic approach is that every person is different. There is no one cause of any condition. We look for the core thing that’s happening with this person and everything else connects to that. Homeopathy says everything is connected. We match one remedy to the whole person.”

Special Offer: Elena is offering 25% off the first intake appointment for the homeopathic immunization protocol. In this 1.5 hour appointment, Elena takes down the child’s entire background (including information about pregnancy and delivery) so she’s well positioned to help down the road as the child proceeds through life.

The regular price of the homeopathic immunization protocol is: $195.

Contact Elena at: (604) 568-4663 or

For more information, please visit Elena’s VitalityLink profile.


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Phone: (604) 568-4663


“The information contained in this message is for educational purposes and constitutes a response to a private request for information only and does not constitute a solicitation for services and makes no claim or promise that any product or service that may cure any condition or ailment,”


Japanese Encephalitis

American Journal of Infectious Diseases 6 (2): 24-28, 2010 ISSN 1553-6203 © 2010 Science Publications
Decreased Intensity of Japanese Encephalitis Virus Infection in Chick Chorioallantoic Membrane Under Influence of Ultradiluted Belladonna Extract

1Bhaswati Bandyopadhyay, 2Satadal Das, 1Milan Sengupta, 3Chandan Saha, 4Kartick Chandra Das, 4Debabrata Sarkar and 5Chaturbhuj Nayak 1Department of Microbiology, Virology Unit, School of Tropical Medicine, Kolkata-700073, India 2Department of Pathology and Microbiology, D.N. De H. Medical College, West Bengal University of Health Sciences, Kolkata-700046, India 3Department of Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology, School of Tropical Medicine, Kolkata-700073, India 4Drug Proving Research Centre, CCRH, Government of India, Kolkata-700 046, India 5Department of AYUSH, Ministry of Health, CCRH, Government of India, JLN Anudandhan Bhawan, 61-65 Intitutional Area, Janakpuri, New Delhi 110058


Abstract: Problem statement: No specific antiviral therapy is currently available despite an emergence and resurgence of Japanese encephalitis in South-East Asian Countries. There are only few recent studies, which were aimed to treat Japanese encephalitis with newer drugs. There is thus a real need for study on antiviral agents that can reduce the toll of death and neurological sequelae resulting from infection with this virus. Approach: Optimum dilution of the JE virus was determined which could produce significant number of pocks on Chorioallantoic Membrane (CAM). Then ultradiluted belladonna preparations were used to see their inhibitory action on JE virus infection in CAM. Results: Ultradiluted belladonna showed significantly decreased pock count in CAM in comparison to JE virus control. Conclusion: Ultradiluted belladonna could inhibit JE virus infection in CAM, which may be mediated through glycosidase inhibitory role of calystegines present in belladonna.
Key words: Japanese Encephalitis (JE), Chorioallantoic Membrane (CAM), pock, belladonna



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Phone: (604) 568-4663



“The information contained in this message is for educational purposes and constitutes a response to a private request for information only and does not constitute a solicitation for services and makes no claim or promise that any product or service that may cure any condition or ailment,”

Inhibition of basophil activation by histamine: a sensitive and reproducible model for the study of the biological activity of high dilutions

Volume 98, Issue 4, October 2009, Pages 186-197
Special Issue: Biological models of homeopathy Part 1
doi:10.1016/j.homp.2009.09.009 | How to Cite or Link Using DOI
Copyright © 2009 The Faculty of Homeopathy Published by Elsevier Ltd. Cited By in Scopus (5)
Permissions & Reprints

Inhibition of basophil activation by histamine: a sensitive and reproducible model for the study of the biological activity of high dilutions

J. Sainte-Laudy1, Corresponding Author Contact Information, E-mail The Corresponding Author and Ph Belon2

1CHU, Limoges 87042, France

2CRDT, 45 cours A Briand, 69300 Caluire, France
Received 8 July 2009;
revised 21 September 2009;
accepted 23 September 2009.
Available online 27 November 2009.


At the beginning of this series of experiments we were looking for a model based on the use of purified commercially available compounds based on a fully described and accepted pharmacological model to study of the biological effect of high dilutions. Negative feedback induced by histamine, a major pro-inflammatory mediator, on basophils and mast cells activation via an H2 receptor me these criteria. The simplest way of measuring basophil activation in the early 1980's was the human basophil activation test (HBDT).

Our major goal was first to study the biological effect of centesimal histamine dilutions beyond the Avogadro limit, on the staining properties of human basophils activated by an allergen extract initially house dust mite, then an anti-IgE and N-formyl-Met-Leu-Phe (fMLP). Technical development over the 25 years of our work led us to replace the manual basophil counting by flow cytometry. The main advantages were automation and observer independence. Using this latter protocol our aim was to confirm the existence of this phenomenon and to check its specificity by testing, under the same conditions, inactive analogues of histamine and histamine antagonists. More recently, we developed an animal model (mouse basophils) to study the effect of histamine on histamine release.
Methods and results

For the HBDT model basophils were obtained by sedimentation of human blood taken on EDTA and stained with Alcian blue. Results were expressed in percentage activation. Histamine dilutions tested were freshly prepared in the lab by successive centesimal dilutions and vortexing. Water controls were prepared in the same way. For the flow cytometric protocol basophils were first labeled by an anti-IgE FITC (basophil marker) and an anti-CD63 (basophil activation marker). Results were expressed in percentage of CD63 positive basophils. Another flow cytometric protocol has been developed more recently, based on basophil labeling by anti-IgE FITC (fluorescein isothiocyanate) and anti-CD203 PE (another human basophil activation marker). Results were expressed in mean fluorescence intensity of the CD203c positive population (MFI-CD203c) and an activation index calculated by an algorithm. For the mouse basophil model, histamine was measured spectrofluorimetrically.

The main results obtained over 28 years of work was the demonstration of a reproducible inhibition of human basophil activation by high dilutions of histamine, the effect peaks in the range of 15?17CH. The effect was not significant when histamine was replaced by histidine (a histamine precursor) or cimetidine (histamine H2 receptor antagonist) was added to the incubation medium. These results were confirmed by flow cytometry. Using the latter technique, we also showed that 4-Methyl histamine (H2 agonist) induced a similar effect, in contrast to 1-Methyl histamine, an inactive histamine metabolite.

Using the mouse model, we showed that histamine high dilutions, in the same range of dilutions, inhibited histamine release.

Successively, using different models to study of human and murine basophil activation, we demonstrated that high dilutions of histamine, in the range of 15?17CH induce a reproducible biological effect. This phenomenon has been confirmed by a multi-center study using the HBDT model and by at least three independent laboratories by flow cytometry. The specificity of the observed effect was confirmed, versus the water controls at the same dilution level by the absence of biological activity of inactive compounds such as histidine and 1-Methyl histamine and by the reversibility of this effect in the presence of a histamine receptor H2 antagonist.

Keywords: Human basophil; Mouse basophil; High dilutions; Homoeopathy; Histamine; Flow cytometry; Histamine release; IL4 release
Article Outline


Human basophil pharmacology

Preparation of high dilutions

Analysis of human basophil activation by their metachromatic properties

Analysis of human basophil activation by flow cytometry

Relationships between results and hypotheses related to the mode of action of high dilutions
Hypothesis derived from biological experiments
Hypotheses derived from physical experiments



Figure 1. Human basophil stained by Alcian blue among unstained Polymorphonuclear cells.

Figure 2. Effect of histamine dilutions from 10−10 to 10−120 M, showing recurrent inhibition of activation. Basophil activation triggered by house dust mite extract. *p
Figure 3. Set up of flow cytometric protocol based on the double anti-IgE and anti-CD63 staining.

Figure 4. Effect of histamine dilutions from 10CH (10) to 20CH (20) on anti-IgE induced human basophil activation versus the water controls diluted in the same conditions. Compared to water control 16C, the effect of histamine 16C was significant (p
Figure 5. Inhibition of anti-IgE induced human basophil activation by histamine 15CH and 16CH. Results expressed in %CD63 ± SD versus the positive and negative controls prepared with water 16C.

Figure 6. Comparison of the effect of high dilutions of histamine and histidine on anti-IgE induced human basophil activation (mean of 13 experiments in triplicates). Results expressed in% CD63 ± SD versus positive and negative controls prepared in water 16C. NS = not significant.

Figure 7. Antagonist effect of lithium 10 μg/ml on inhibition of anti-IgE induced human basophil activation by histamine 15CH and 16CH. Results expressed in %CD63 ± SD, NS = not significant.

Figure 8. Set up of flow cytometric protocol for the analysis of CD203c up-regulation on activated human basophil membrane.

Figure 9. Inhibition of fMLP-induced basophil activation by histamine 16CH and histamine 2CH. Results expressed versus negative and positive controls prepared in water 16 C and expressed in MFI-CD203c ± SD. Negative controls set at 10. Statistical significance calculated on the raw data by Wilcoxon rank test.

Figure 10. Effect of 1, 3, 4-methyl histamine 16CH and histamine 16CH on fMLP-induced basophil activation. Basophil activation expressed in MFI-CD203c ± SEM, mean of 10 experiments in triplicates. Negative controls (not shown) were set at 10 to compare the different experiments performed on different blood donors. NS = not significant.

Figure 11. Effect of histamine 15CH and 16CH on histamine production by mouse total bone marrow cells stimulated by IgE versus water controls tested at the same dilution level.

View Within Article

Table 1.

Published results related to the inhibition of basophil activation by histamine dilutions
View table in article

ND = not done, NS = not significant.
1 significance calculated versus the related water control.
2 Not significant versus the whole series of water controls.

Corresponding Author Contact Information Correspondence: J Sainte-Laudy, Laboratoire d'Immunologie, Hôpital universitaire Dupuytren, 2, avenue Martin-Luther-King, 87042 Limoges, Cedex, France.

Cytotoxic effects of ultra-diluted remedies on breast cancer cells

homeopathy and breast cancer cells

Cytotoxic effects of ultra-diluted remedies on breast cancer cells

1Integrative Medicine Program, 2Department of Molecular Pathology, 3Department of Melanoma Medical Oncology, The University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, USA;
4P. Banerji Homeopathic Research Foundation, Kolkata, India Received May 28, 2009; Accepted July 23, 2009 DOI: 10.3892/ijo_00000512
Abstract. The use of ultra-diluted natural products in the management of disease and treatment of cancer has generated a lot of interest and controversy. We conducted an in vitro study to determine if products prescribed by a clinic in India have any effect on breast cancer cell lines. We studied four ultra-diluted remedies (Carcinosin, Phytolacca, Conium and Thuja) against two human breast adenocarcinoma cell lines (MCF-7 and MDA-MB-231) and a cell line derived from immortalized normal human mammary epithelial cells (HMLE). The remedies exerted preferential cytotoxic effects against the two breast cancer cell lines, causing cell cycle delay/arrest and apoptosis. These effects were accompanied by altered expression of the cell cycle regulatory proteins, including downregulation of phosphorylated Rb and upregulation of the CDK inhibitor p27, which were likely responsible for the cell cycle delay/arrest as well as induction of the apoptotic cascade that manifested in the activation of caspase 7 and cleavage of PARP in the treated cells. The findings demonstrate biological activity of these natural products when presented at ultra-diluted doses. Further in- depth studies with additional cell lines and animal models are warranted to explore the clinical applicability of these agents.

MYTHs of Homeopathy:

“Homeopathy is just a placebo effect”

It is frequently argued that homeopathic medicines are ‘just sugar pills’ that don’t contain any active ingredients, so any benefits patients report are due purely to the placebo effect i.e. people believe the pills are going to help and this belief alone triggers a healing response.

With any medical treatment there is likely to be some degree of ‘placebo effect’ and in this respect homeopathy is no different, but the theory that homeopathy’s effects are only a placebo response is not supported by the scientific evidence.

If homeopathy is really just a placebo effect, how does one explain:

  1. The existence of positive high quality placebo-controlled trials?
    These trials are designed specifically to separate out the placebo effect from the real clinical effect of the treatment being tested.
  2. Homeopathic medicines having effects in laboratory experiments?
    Effects have been seen on white blood cells, frogs and wheat plants to name just a few examples.
  3. The fact that homeopathy works in animals?
    A rigorous research study found that homeopathy can prevent E. coli diarrhoea in piglets1 – a big problem in commercial farming


About 70-80% of patients taking homeopathic treatment for chronic disease report improvement.

About 70-80% of patients taking homeopathic treatment for chronic disease report improvement, and in at least one study they prefer it over conventional treatment, according to a collection of studies written up by our friends down under, Homeopathy Plus.

Possibly you are aware of the six-year Bristol Homeopathic Hospital study, which showed that out of 6,544 patients with chronic disease, sometimes of many years’ duration, 70.7 per cent reported positive health changes.

But there’s more.

A study on several alternative health modalities in Northern Ireland shows homeopathy narrowly edging out acupuncture with 79 per cent of patients reporting positive outcomes.

A study carried out at a health clinic in Dorset, England shows 84 per cent of patients reported improvement, and 81 per cent attribute their improvement to homeopathy.

A German study found that most parents with cancer-stricken kids who had them treated homeopathically rated their satisfaction rate as “very high” and would recommend homeopathy to other parents.

A large-scale Swiss study comparing patient satisfaction with homeopathic treatment to conventional medicine for chronic disease showed homeopathy scoring significantly better, with greater improvement and fewer side effects.

Finally, a 103-centre study in Switzerland and Germany followed 3,079 patients over eight years, and found:

* On average, disease severity decreased dramatically and improvements were sustained
* Three in ten patients stopped treatment because of major improvement
* Mental and physical quality of life scores increased substantially
* Biggest and fastest improvements happened for children and the patients who started out the most sick.

Conditions treated ran the gamut, covering both physical and emotional afflictions.

Those who wonder why homeopathy continues to grow in popularity worldwide despite a mechanism of action that defies common “wisdom” and a well-funded and highly-motivated opposition should take note of these studies.

Read the original article, which has more details and full citations, here.

How Does Homeopathy Work?

What should I expect in a homeopathic consultation?

The choice of homeopathic medicine is based on the patient’s specific symptoms and not the disease itself. Because of this, in the first consultation the homeopath will seek a complete and accurate picture of the health status and symptoms of the patient.

The homeopath will ask you about your condition, physical, physiological, mental and emotional.  He or she will ask you to describe what factors improve and what factors worsen the symptoms, how you react to heat and cold, different weather, different body positions, etc.  He or she will ask you about your food preferences and aversions, how you sleep, your lifestyle and habits, your personality, your medical history and your family’s medical history, etc. The first homeopathic consultation can easily last two hours.  Subsequent ones last a shorter time, often half an hour, and usually happen about once a month as needed.

Water Research Laboratory What is this project about?

Water Research Laboratory

What is this project about?

Current research points towards the likely existence of water structures which, although being largely unexplored, in principle have the necessary characteristics to explain the mechanism of action of homeopathic medicines.

The Water Research Laboratory aims to investigate these new water structures using a multidisciplinary approach involving theoretical physics, mathematical modelling and experimental exploration.

In the field of the physics of high dilutions, which has immediate relevance to homeopathy, many research groups have reported interesting findings. In particular, Prof Luc Montagnier (who won the Nobel Prize for discovering the HIV/AIDS virus), has shown homeopathic dilutions to have electromagnetic properties which differ from those of normal water1,2.

Benveniste was a eminent French immunologist, adviser to the French government on scientific issue, he was the director of INSERM unit 200, directed at immunology, allergy and inflammation.

In a seminal paper published in the prestigious journal Nature in 1988, Dr Benveniste’s team of  reported their results investigating the effects of high-dilutions on human basophils (a type of white blood cell). They diluted a solution of human anti-IgE antibodies in water to such a degree that there was virtually no possibility that a single molecule of the antibody remained in the water solution. They reported, human basophils responded to the solutions just as though they had encountered the original antibody (part of the allergic reaction). The effect was reported only when the solution was shaken violently during dilution.

This publication led to a large controversy around ‘the memory of water‘. Since then 28 scientific papers have been published in this area, 23 of which reported positive results. Of the 11 publications judged to be of high quality, 8 (72%) reported positive results.4

The initial efforts of the HRI/WRL collaboration are centered around repeating the famous basophil degranulation experiments of the late Dr Jacques Benveniste (1935-2004)3, with the aim of making the experiment more easily reproducible in standard laboratory setting and of studying important physical parameters crucial to the phenomenon. In particular we aim to study the influence of electromagnetic fields on the system, in line with Prof Luc Montagnier’s recent results.

  1. Montagnier, L., Aïssa, J., Ferris, S., Montagnier, J.-L. & Lavalléee, C. Electromagnetic signals are produced by aqueous nanostructures derived from bacterial DNA sequences. Interdiscip. Sci. Comput. Life Sci. 2009, 1, 81–90. | Pubmed
  2. Montagnier, L. et al. DNA waves and water. J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 306, 012007 (2011). | Link
  3. Davenas E, et al. Human basophil degranulation triggered by very dilute antiserum against IgE. Nature. 1988 333(6176):816-8. | Pubmed
  4. Witt CM, Bluth M, Albrecht H, Weisshuhn TE, Baumgartner S, Willich SN. The in vitro evidence for an effect of high homeopathic potencies–a systematic review of the literature. Complement Ther Med. 2007 Jun;15(2):128-38. | Pubmed

Lead researcher

Alexander Tournier BSc DIC MASt Cantab PhD

Dr Tournier studied physics at Imperial College, London, and theoretical physics at the University of Cambridge. He wrote his PhD on the biophysics of water-protein interactions at the University of Heidelberg, Germany. For the last 10 years he has been conducting interdisciplinary research at the boundaries between mathematics, physics and biology, as an independent researcher for Cancer Research UK (5th institute worldwide for molecular biology).

Why is this project important?

Confirming the existence of structured phase of water would have considerable ramifications not only for homeopathy, but could also lead to completely novel therapeutic and diagnostic techniques. 

Dr Alexander Tournier PhD

Autism Is A Research Growth Area: No Profit in Finding the Cause

February 19, 2012 by admin in Autism, Featured, Science 


The Mind of the Autism Researcher 

Attempts to prove that autism is genetic, physical, or chemical in nature continue unabated. It’s proven to be a most lucrative specialty for researchers. However, the studies that promote the genetics-not-vaccine concept tend to show only the effects of autism. They demonstrate nothing to indicate the actual cause, though they often imply, or even outright state, otherwise. 

That alone should tell us what’s become of most autism research: it’s a growth area. Autism research has become very much the same as Big Pharma-based medicine. In fact, much of it is funded by pharmaceutical corporations. 

To find a disease cause and solution to prevent disease isn’t profitable. However, to find even the most minuscule physical, genetic, or chemical change in someone with an existing disease means that even more money can be squeezed out of the research funders like the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), agencies funded by taxpayers. Anything that leads away from causes and focuses on the physiochemical effects of autism always leads to more questions and more research funds. 

Gaia Health recently documented an autism study demonstrating that it shows the opposite of what is claimed. The authors attempt to demonstrate that physical changes in the brains of autistics shows that vaccines could not be the cause. In reality, the study shows a close parallel between those changes and autism’s development. That fact, though, could not be mentioned. It would likely have resulted in the researchers’ funding sources drying up.
Study: White Matter Changes in Autism 

A recent study published in the American Journal of Psychiatry(1) says that children defined as high risk for developing autism become autistic because of changes in the brain’s white matter, and that autism can be predicted in advance based on MRIs showing such changes. This is all fine and dandy—but it says precisely nothing about what causes these changes. 

This study has a continuing medical education couse associated with it on MedPage Today. Passing the related test of two simple questions provides the reader, who is presumed to be a doctor, with .25 CME units. The doctor can easily collect these training credits within a few minutes, never leaving the comfort of home or office, or more significantly, without even having to bother reading the study itself. No thought process is required to determine whether the study holds any validity. The single-page course simply summarizes and regurgitates the study’s claims with no attempt to analyze whether it’s meaningful. 

The result of this is sure to be yet more MRI tests on infants, which will, of course, further increase the cost of medicine and will likely produce no benefit to children—unless yet another toxic drug is considered helpful.
Study: Genetic Changes in Autism 

Another study, published in PLoS Genetics(2), states that functional mutations in the SHANK2 gene, resulting in changes in synapses, are associated with some, but not all, autism. A functional mutation is not a birth defect. It is caused by something. 

However, the study researchers weren’t interested in what causes the SHANK2 gene to be damaged. They were quite satisfied with the idea that the damage was just spontaneous. One would have thought that the researchers would at least be curious about what causes these changes—but apparently curiosity that doesn’t bring in big financial payments has been bred out of researchers. 

Their interest was only in the idea where the finding indicates that several genes acting in combination must be associated with autism. Author Bergeron states: 

There are so many combinations that might be important. We still have a lot of work to do at the genetic level. 

Wow! Those researchers may have found a mother lode of research grants for all the follow-up research that they can now claim should be done. Just imagine the money that’s going to be made by Big Pharma in vaccines or drugs to treat the broken SHANK2 genes. Obviously, finding the cause of those broken genes would interfere with the profits to be made in attempts to fix them.
Study: Brain Activity Changes in Face Recognition 

A study published in Nature Neuroscience(3) claims that functional MRIs can examine the fusiform gyrus, a part of the brain believed to focus on face identification, and that it will be able to study people—specifically, autistics—who are too unresponsive to cooperate in such studies. Author J.D. Gabrieli told the Simons Foundation: 

Functional brain studies have been limited to the most high-functioning individuals, because we had to use active tasks that required following instructions. This method may open ways to look at the many autism patients who cannot follow task instructions. 

Thus, this study has been performed to pave the way for yet more studies of autistic people. Whether it might actually benefit them is … well, that doesn’t seem to be the issue.
The Third Rail of Medical Research 

There exists just one thing that autism researchers won’t touch: the cause. It’s the third rail of medical research. Autism has developed into a huge money-maker for modern medicine and its supporting agencies. Big Pharma is now selling drugs to send autistic kids to oblivion and further damage their brains. Doctors have a huge group of children whose parents are conditioned to take them back over and over again for tests and treatments, none of which help. Agencies and charities have organized to promote awareness of the condition and, in most cases, to promote the well-being of the top-line managers’ pay. Researchers and medical journals all help feed into this newly profitable condition. None of them actually help. For that, you must leave the modern medical system and find alternatives. 

If the cause of autism were officially found. The focus would be on prevention. But then, none of this enormous pool of money could be tapped by any of these groups. Their bottom line is benefited by putting on blinders to the most likely cause, vaccines. To that end, they’ve established a PR campaign to convince the public—not to mention their own members—that vaccines aren’t the cause of autism and that autism isn’t truly a new disorder, but one that was previously unrecognized. Of course, as most parents of autistic children can state without reservation, there is no possibility that what’s happened to their children could ever have gone unnoticed. 

So, they’ve developed a most magnificent arrangement of patting each others’ backs: 

The doctors get to take absurdly simple CME courses that tell of phony breakthroughs, thus getting that nuisance requirement of continuing education out of the way without stress.
Medical websites that take most of their money from Big Pharma can pump out these nonsensical courses, pulling doctors to their sites for the easy ride.
Doctors get more and more patients.
Medical suppliers get to sell more and more equipment for tests.
Big Pharma gets to develop new drugs and find ways to push old ones on autism sufferers.
To support it all and give the seal of so-called “evidence based medicine” to these practices, medical researchers produce study after study, all of them focused on anything but finding the cause of autism. 

It’s a cozy arrangement for everyone but the autistic children, their families, and society as a whole. Finding the cause would shut down the researchers’ gushing funding tap, and preventing autism would cut into all arenas of this exploding area of the medical industry. 


(1)Differences in White Matter Fiber Tract Development Present from 6 to 24 Months in Infants with Autism, doi:10.1176/appi.ajp.2011.11091447.
(2)Genetic and Functional Analyses of SHANK2 Mutations Suggest a Multiple Hit Model of Autism Spectrum Disorders
(3)Anatomical connectivity patterns predict face selectivity in the fusiform gyrus, doi: 10.1038/nn.3001 


Elena Cecchetto DCH, CCH, RSHom(NA)




“The information contained in this message is for educational purposes and constitutes a response to a private request for information only and does not constitute a solicitation for services and makes no claim or promise that any product or service that may cure any condition or ailment,”

Homeopathy for ADHD: Hocus Pocus or Science?

By Deborah Mitchell

Parents of children with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) face daily challenges and questions concerning how to best cope with, manage, and help their kids. Moms and dads who are not satisfied with a purely conventional medicine approach, typically because of questionable safety and effectiveness of medications, often turn to other options. Should parents consider homeopathy for ADHD?

Some practitioners and researchers vote yes, and they point to the success they have witnessed in their practice and their studies. Many others, however, are not convinced about the value of homeopathy in general nor its use for this neurodevelopmental condition in particular.

Recently I interviewed Beth Landau-Halpern, a Toronto-based, classically trained homeopath who uses a wide range of natural approaches to treat ADHD, including nutritional medicine, relaxation techniques, and natural supplements along with homeopathy. Many but not all of her patients are already taking medications. Her natural therapies can both complement and enhance a child’s treatment program.

Homeopathy and ADHD: Two Studies

Landau-Halpern talked about her involvement in two studies of homeopathy and ADHD as well as about her experiences with her treatment approach overall. The two studies—one pilot study already completed and a new study currently underway that was initiated based on the findings of the first—involved evaluation of the impact of homeopathic remedies on children with ADHD.

The particulars of the first study were explained to me by one of Landau-Halpern’s colleagues, David Brulé, a research associate at the University of Toronto and owner of Riverdale Homeopathic Clinic.A total of 35 children were enrolled in the study, which involved an initial consultation with one of two homeopaths and then nine follow-up consultations.

Eighty percent of the participants completed all 10 consultations over an average of 12.1 months. During that time, a mean of three homeopathic remedies were prescribed for the children from a selection of more than three dozen options. The two found to be the most effective were phosphorus and tuberculinum. Parents were questioned about their child’s diet, but while Brulé said “diet works” for kids with ADHD, this factor was not emphasized in the study.

Overall the findings were positive: 63 percent achieved significant improvement in behavioral symptoms, and the benefits were generally observed at the seventh to eighth consultation. All of this good news prompted the researchers to plan another, larger study, which is now underway.

Based on her observations of participants in this study, Landau-Halpern explained that “most of the clients responded well to the homeopathic remedies, although it sometimes took a few months to find the most beneficial remedy.” This caveat was especially true, she said, among kids who were taking medication since “many of their ‘symptoms’ were masked” by the drugs. Overall, she believed the children’s behavioral symptoms were the most affected by the remedies, “those that the stimulant drugs don’t really affect in any case.”

What about the effect of diet and natural supplements on these patients who were taking homeopathic remedies? Landau-Halpern pointed out that many of the parents were finding it difficult to deal with the challenges of ADHD, so she did not normally introduce dietary suggestions. At the same time, she emphasized that “an optimized diet is obviously important” as are supplements, although she did not stress them in the study.

The new study, which currently is recruiting participants, will follow 180 children with ADHD. Unlike the earlier study, parents will be asked if they are using therapeutic dietary changes. (Download the announcement for recruitment into the new study.)

In her private practice, Landau-Halpern often recommends supplements for children with ADHD, especially omega-3 fatty acids. In addition she suggests B vitamins, iron, magnesium, vitamin D, zinc, and multivitamins, depending on the individual child. She also addresses diet.

When looking at the diet of a child who has ADHD, Landau-Halpern pointed out that while every child responds to preservatives, artificial colors, and artificial flavors differently, “in general, they have absolutely no place in any child’s diet—ADHD or not.” She also emphasized that eliminating these substances “can bring about huge improvements in all sorts of pathological behaviors and physical symptoms.”

In fact, cutting out foods that contain preservatives and artificial additives is the first advice she offers parents of kids with ADHD. Why? Because it works. “For some children, simply removing foods that impair their neurological function can make an enormous difference,” and that includes refined, processed foods containing artificial ingredients and preservatives as well as those to which children have a hypersensitivity.

A review in Current Psychiatry Reports that evaluated evidence for dietary and nutritional treatments, as well as homeopathy, for ADHD noted that “Controlled studies support the elimination of artificial food dyes to reduce ADHD symptoms, and that multivitamin/mineral supplements and especially essential fatty acids are suggested. Evidence for the effectiveness of homeopathy for ADHD, however, was reported to be minimal.

Read more about kids and artificial colors

That could be changing, however, as researchers continue to conduct more comprehensive studies. Therefore, for parents of children with ADHD, alternative and complementary options such as homeopathy and nutritional medicine, including the elimination of artificial dyes and flavors and preservatives, should be considered and discussed with the appropriate healthcare professionals.

Influence of pediatric vaccines on social behavior in the rhesus monkey


Pediatric vaccines have been considered controversial due to potential negative effects on development, particularly impaired social interaction and communication, hyperactivity, and repetitive stereotyped behaviors that are characteristic of autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Some reports suggest that exposure to ethyl mercury (EtHg), in the form of thimerosal, in pediatric vaccines may play a causative role in such negative effects. Male infant rhesus macaques (n = 79) were assigned at birth to one of six study groups (12–16 subjects/group) as follows: (1) the pediatric vaccination schedule from the 1990s including thimerosal-containing vaccines (TCVs), (2) the same 1990s schedule but accelerated to accommodate the developmental trajectory of the infant rhesus macaque, (3) TCVs only (saline placebo for Mumps–Measles–Rubella [MMR]), (4) MMR only (other injections replaced with saline placebo), (5) the expanded vaccine regimen from 2008 (where fewer vaccines contained thimerosal), or (6) a control group following the 1990s schedule with all vaccines replaced with saline placebo. Subjects began socializing at approximately 25 days of age and were socialized 5 days per week in a 4-monkey peer group. Social behavior data, collected between 15 and 18 months of age using a computer system capturing a variety of social and non-social behaviors, were included in this analysis. Data were analyzed using repeated measure ANOVAs with Dunnett’s test post-hoc procedures following significant experimental group or group × age interactions. No significant differences in non-social or social behavior were found when comparing the animals in the vaccine groups to controls. The data do not provide any evidence of abnormal social behavior in rhesus macaques exposed to low-dose thimerosal and should provide reassurance that TCVs do not contribute to the negative effects associated with ASD. Support from the Johnson Family, the Ted Lindsay Foundation, and SafeMinds is gratefully acknowledged.

Copyright © 2014 Published by Elsevier Inc.

Health Canada says it takes safety 'very seriously' in face of concerns about homeopathic remedy

Ottawa has approved 8,500 homeopathic products, including remedy made from rabid dog saliva

Bethany Lindsay · CBC News · Posted: Apr 18, 2018 4:00 AM PT | Last Updated: April 18

homeopathic meds


More than 8,500 homeopathic treatments are approved by Health Canada. (Josh Reynolds/Associated Press)

The long list of so-called homeopathic nosodes approved by Health Canada include remedies made from the bacteria that causes chlamydia, the cerebral fluid of meningitis patients and cancer cells — to name just a few.

After B.C.'s senior physician questioned the federal approval of one of these remedies, a substance developed from the saliva of a rabid dog, Health Canada will only say that it takes the safety of health products "very seriously."

A Health Canada spokesperson said no one was available Tuesday for an interview about the remedy used by a Victoria naturopath to treat a small boy's behaviour problems, but offered a written statement instead.

"Homeopathic products ... are regulated as natural health products (NHPs) under the Natural Health Products Regulations," the statement reads.

"Health Canada takes the safety of health products on the Canadian market very seriously. Should a product not meet the requirements set out in the associated product monograph and guidance, Health Canada will take action." 

The homeopathic remedy, which is marketed as lyssinum, lyssin or hydrophobinum, is one of more than 8,500 homeopathic products regulated by the federal government.

Homeopathy, ayurveda doctors hold rally supporting NMC

New Delhi, Feb 5 (IANS)

Author : Indo Asian News Service

Hundreds of homeopathic and ayurvedic practitioners from across the country on Monday held a rally here in support of the proposed National Medical Commission (NMC) Bill, which they said would benefit poor patients in the rural and remote areas of the country.

Held under the banner of Swabhimaan rally, it was attended by professionals of the Indian System of Medicine (ISM).

"The NMC bill is believed to be a proof of the Central government's policies working for the poor. This will facilitate the patients living in rural and remote areas and they will be benefitted from the Centre's health promotion policy. After the passing of legislation, homeopathic doctors will get the right to write allopathic medicines," said a statement from Indian Homeopathic Association.

The NMC bill has provisions for granting permission to the doctors under Indian systems of medicine, including ayurveda, to be allowed to practice allopathy after clearing a bridge course.

According to the ISM doctors, doctors from homeopathic and ayurvedic streams have struggled a lot to get their demands fulfilled.

"The bridge course for all AYUSH doctors will be able to write allopathic medicines to patients once the NMC comes into existence," said a statement issued by the participants of the rally.

The ISM doctors said that the bill will provide special facilities to the people living in rural and remote areas, where allopathic medicines are not available, where patients have no money to go to allopathic doctors.

At a time when prices of allopathic drugs are on the rise, patients who are unable to bear the expenses can have the option of homeopathic doctors, they said.

"The move can be termed as pro-poor and will help both homeopathic doctors and people in long-term," said the participating doctors.

The NMC Bill, which was tabled in Parliament in December 2017, was protested by the allopathic doctors. The rally was to be addressed by Union Health Minister J.P. Nadda and AYUSH Minister Sripad Yesso Naik, however, none turned up.

As part of the protest, the Indian Medical Association (IMA) had also called for a 12-hour countrywide shutdown of OPD services at all private hospitals in the country.

However, the strike was called off after the government agreed to send the National Medical Commission Bill, 2017 to a select committee.


The Materialist View of Homeopathy:

An Alternative Hypothesis and the Connection with Hormesis...In a recent article entitled, “Metal nanoparticle induced hormetic activation: A novel mechanism of homeopathic medicines,”[1] Chikramane et al

Upadhyay, Rajendra Prakash, Simillimum Welfare Society, Nainital, Uttrakhand, India. Homeopathy (HOMEOPATHY), 2018; 107(1): 46-49. (4p)

In a recent article entitled, “Metal nanoparticle induced hormetic activation: A novel mechanism of homeopathic medicines,”[1] Chikramane et al have considered source-drug material as an essential active ingredient, even in high dilutions (potencies) of homeopathic medicine. This concept is causing much confusion in the understanding of homeopathic medicine itself. Hence, it is critical first to undertake a detailed analysis of the concept before any endeavour to understand the observed hormetic activation.

Chikramane et al formed this concept in their earlier work titled “Extreme homeopathic dilutions retain starting materials: A nanoparticulate perspective.”[2] They studied six metal-based homeopathic medicines in three potencies, namely 6C, 30C and 200C. These medicines, prepared by two different manufacturers, were purchased from standard commercial outlets. In most of these increasing high dilutions, they unexpectedly found their source-drug metals were still present and often imbedded in nanoparticles present in them.[2] To explain it, they hypothesised that during preparation of a potency, after succussion, all the source-drug nanoparticulate metal floats on the surface with the help of nanobubbles forming a monolayer. This monolayer forms 1% of the total volume but contains all the source-drug metal; and all of this monolayer is poured out into a new vial as ‘seed’ for preparing its higher potency, thus retaining the source-drug.[2] [3]

Chikramane et al upheld this hypothesis as true by ‘physically’ taking gold nanoparticles in simulation.[3] However, homeopathic medicine and its methods of preparation contradict this hypothesis due to the following reasons:

  1. The Korsakoff method is generally used to raise higher potencies.

  2. It is practically impossible to assume monolayer as 1% of the total volume containing all the source-drug and further assume that 100% of the pouring out of this monolayer would be possible to raise the next higher potency. Moreover, potencies are not a few in number but up to CM (105) and even higher with virtually no upper limit.

  3. In homeopathic pharmacopoeia, the top layer is not talked about nor any special value assigned to it.

  4. A higher potency of a medicine can be prepared, even after decades, from its present potency.

  5. Medicine (potency) is consumed up to its last drop for medication or preparing a higher potency.

  6. Medicines based on non-material source-drugs, such as X-ray and magnetic fields, exist.[4]

  7. The potencies of a medicine are also raised in solid form by trituration, taking lactose as a diluent.

  8. Direct sunlight exposure can destroy the medicinal properties of a potency.

  9. The dose-quantity of a potency (medicine) is inconsequential if it is sufficient to produce an effect on a patient.

Furthermore, in the study of Chikramane et al,[2] the question of contamination cannot be ignored. In fact, contaminations in homeopathic medicines have been so common that even the World Health Organization has issued an advisory against it.[5]

Two things should be clear regarding the presence of contaminants in homeopathic medicine. First, though homeopathic medicines are extremely diluted, they cannot be extremely pure. One basic reason behind this is that so-called pure water does not exist.[6] [7] Second, as preparation of homeopathic medicine is still traditional, much impurity even in trace level can be expected.

In the case of laboratory-made homeopathic samples, Witt et al observed that contaminations from containers and vehicle reached its maximum at the very first potency and afterwards remained more or less the same.[8] It was obvious because every potentising step was a repetition of the same process under the same or similar conditions. Thus, concentrations of contaminants reach a plateau from the very first potency onwards. So, it is understandable that Chikramane et al[2] observed a plateau of the source-drug of the medicine at 6C potency onwards, where it was only left in traces at this stage.

There is an important route for contaminants to get in, which is hardly paid attention to, especially in commercial manufacturing where many potencies of a medicine or of different medicines are prepared simultaneously or soon one after another in a room. Chaplin cautions that when a bottle is opened after succussion, aerosol can spread in the room for an extended period of time, contaminating other preparations.[7] Though ignored in homeopathy, it is important for microbiologists to take care of such type of situations in their work.[7]

The chemical analysis data by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectroscopy (ICP-AES) of Chikramane et al[2] on the presence of source-drugs in market-purchased medicines speaks for itself. For example, in some samples, source-drug metals were not detected. Nevertheless, a variation up to 40% was observed in the samples from one batch of the same manufacturer, and up to 1550% was observed in the samples from different batches or different manufacturers.[2] The enormously large variation indicates that these data are erratic in nature. This suggests that the presence of source-drug metals in their high-potency medicines was more likely due to contamination as opposed to the hypothesis by Chikramane et al.

Temgire et al[9] repeated the experiment in which they used some water-soluble source-drug-based medicines purchased from the market and claimed the validation of the hypothesis by Chikramane et al. However, how could this be possible? Can the 1% part of a solution contain all the solute of the solution? Can, in the homeopathic dilution process, source-drug material be produced out of the vacuum state? Physics does not suggest the possibility of material extraction from it, even if nanoparticles are involved. Energy, however, may be drawn from it.[10]

Similarly, in preparing potencies in solid form, the 1% part of the triturated material called ‘seed’ cannot typically contain all the source-drug present. Nanoparticles cannot alter this fact. The source-drug can be of any type, including metal-based as Chikramane et al[2] studied.

In addition, it should not be forgotten that the selection of potency is most important after the selection of remedy for a patient. Nonetheless, the hypothesis of Chikramane et al is blind to different potencies of a medicine. They believe dilutions are only apparent at 6C potency onwards,[3] retaining the source-drug material nearly in the same size distribution of nanoparticles and their clusters.[2]

At the time of publication of the hypothesis of Chikramane et al,[2] even guest editors Ives et al raised a finger on it through the Korsakoff method of potency preparation.[11] Bellavite et al were also not satisfied with the hypothesis despite technological advancements.[12]

Using state-of-the-art techniques, Chikramane et al[2] and Temgire et al[9] revealed, like Upadhyay et al,[13] the presence of nanoparticles in homeopathic medicine, throwing light on their structure. They did their experiments meticulously; however, the observation of Chikramane et al of source-drug ‘survival’ from 6C potency onwards cannot be explained, except in terms of contamination. In this regard, their materialistic hypothesis[2] [3] is also of no help. In fact, it is irrelevant to homeopathic medicine, for which it was proposed. It may work materially in nanoscience where a few quick steps of turbulent liquid dilutions are performed using only the top layer.

Interestingly, during Hahnemann's lifetime, when the world was unaware of Avogadro's number, there was no theoretical objection to homeopathic high dilutions.[14] Nonetheless, it is amazing that Hahnemann realised that his medicine did not contain source-drug. He took his medicine ‘spirit-like’, which remains no more mystical now as it could contain source-drug specific ‘information’.[15]

Some models were proposed in the past to explain homeopathic medicine and its seemingly bizarre ‘memory’; but they fell short of expectations.[12] This vacuity seems to open doors for Chikramane et al to propose their hypothesis “thereby resolving the homeopathic conundrum and reconciling it with atomistic theory of matter.”[3]

Recently, Calabrese has appreciated the hypothesis by Chikramane et al as “outside the box” thinking.[16] The aversion or even fear of associating ‘memory’ with homeopathic medicine has been prevailing, especially after the debacle of the so-called memory of water.[6] [7]

The above scene is changing again in favour of ‘memory’, but in a different way. This could happen after some new discoveries in nanoscience,[17] homeopathic medicine,[13] and water.[6] Recently, a novel ‘Nanoparticle–EZ Shell Model’ has been proposed, which explains homeopathic medicine wholly in its different and diverse aspects, along with magnet-treated water.[15] This model is an extension of the previous work of Upadhyay et al[13] and it is based on the following three facts:

  1. Nanoparticles can be an environmental sensor.[17]

  2. Homeopathic medicine contains silica-rich nanoparticles, which may retain source-drug specific ‘information’.[13]

  3. Exclusion Zone water is formed on a hydrophilic surface and it excludes nearly everything.[6]

Interestingly, the protection against impurities is a fundamental feature of this model. This model explains why homeopathy could take birth two centuries ago at the time of impure chemistry when Hahnemann even made his medicine occasionally in whisky.[15] Similarly, the work of Chikramane et al[2] made a shocking revelation, which was never paid attention to; that source-drug may be present even in significant quantity in homeopathic high dilution. This presence was a big challenge for homeopathic theoreticians to explain why it would not vitiate the medicinal properties acquired at that dilution.[15]

Homeopathic medicine contains source-drug up to 12C potency (Avogadro's limit). In this potency range, homeopathic medicinal effects may be divided into two parts, namely source-drug based and source-drug specific ‘information’ based. Their medicinal effects are under the Similia principle, probably using different pathways. ‘The Nanoparticle–EZ Shell Model’ explains that at 3C potency, the source-drug specific ‘information’ is completely acquired by nanoparticles and their EZ shells; and at 4C potency, this acquired ‘information’ becomes independent of its source-drug.[15] So from 3C potency onwards, homeopathic medicine would work through the acquired source-drug specific ‘information’.[15] By then, most of the source-drugs have already become too diluted in themselves to be therapeutically effective.

Homeopathy is the best known medical analogue of hormesis.[18] While homeopathy is a therapeutic system of healing, hormesis is an effect. The common thread linking them is that they involve the secondary paradoxical effects of drugs and toxins in biological systems as a function of dose or time.[18]

Wiegant and Van Wijk have done pioneer work in, now called, ‘post-conditioning hormesis’ at the cellular level.[19] They, however, used unpotentised low material doses of chemical stressors, but they verified the validity of the Similia principle at the cellular level.

Bellavite et al have done extensive study related to hormesis, developing a pre-conditioning model using homeopathic medicine within material range.[14]

Presently, Calabrese is very cautious to maintain distance from any homeopathy that claims itself without the presence of source-drug material.[16] His caution is not without reason.[20] His statement, “ is not possible to kill an idea if it is real” is, however, encouraging.[16]

It is important to note that clinical homeopathic practice can be taken as related to pre- and post-conditioning hormesis, when it is for prophylaxis and treatment respectively. In both the cases, especially for the latter, medicines are often prescribed beyond material range.

Furthermore, the proving of a medicine in homeopathy is performed on healthy persons with its source-drug material as well as with its high potency. The proving by higher potencies is particularly needed to bring out the finer characteristics of the medicine. The source-drug of the medicine can be toxic or even poisonous. Thus, the ‘Nanoparticle–EZ Shell Model’[15] already covers hormetic agents. The source-agent is potentised even beyond Avogadro's number. According to this model, by the process of potentisation, nanoparticles and their EZ shells acquire and preserve source-agent specific ‘information’.[15] Acquiring this ‘information’, which this model assures, is one thing but responding to (‘reading’) it by biological systems is another. As homeopathic toxic source-drugs are also hormetic agents, this assures their acquired specific ‘information’ as bioactive, probably for all chemical (including radiation) hormetic agents.

After the analysis and discussion above, recent observations of Chikramane et al[1] regarding cellular hormetic activation can now be examined. In these experiments, Chikramane et al are appreciated for using high-potency, metal-based medicines. These commercially made market-purchased medicines contain their respective source-drug metals at “a billion-fold lower concentration” than synthetic nanoparticles of the same metals (controls) to cause hormesis.[1] A question arises here that at such a low-level concentration, abundant impurities, including many other homeopathic source-drugs and toxic materials, remain present in homeopathic medicines. As a consequence, in terms of material, such a medicine is a cocktail of numerous contaminants present in it. Then how can the observed hormetic effect be attributed to the source-drug metal of the medicine used? Moreover, how is it possible to claim a new phenomenon on the basis of contamination?

The observed hormetic effect seems to be at a billion-fold lower concentration of the source-drug than required, and this was in fact ‘extraordinary’. The nanoparticle morphology and stress based explanation, provided by Chikramane et al,[1] for this unusual observation falls short for the occasion, which seems to demand an unusual explanation. Such possible explanation is that, instead of the source-drug metal, the source-drug metal specific ‘information’ that is carried by the medicine, as per the ‘Nanoparticle–EZ Shell Model’,[15] be made responsible for it. What is required here is to design such experiments that could catch this possible phenomenon explicitly. Medicines used in such experiments must be laboratory made, so that they could be as pure as possible and genuine controls could be available to counter unwarranted effects. To avoid any contamination, rarely available suitable hormetic agents that are potentised beyond material range can also be a part of the study.

The most controversial aspect of homeopathy is its medicine, even beyond Avogadro's number.[18] Such a medicine, however, makes homeopathy unique. Homeopathy will do a great service to hormesis if it is able to extend hormesis beyond Avogadro's number, where most of homeopathic medicines are based. This theory could potentially be a response to Fisher regarding the contribution of homeopathy to hormesis.[18] In addition, homeopathy would get legitimacy and a powerful tool to understand itself better. Homeopathy and hormesis can consequently be united, as Calabrese now aspires.[16]