'Homeopathy may have cure for Japanese encephalitis'

'Homeopathy may have cure for Japanese encephalitis'

TNN Jul 14, 2010, 03.04am IST
LUCKNOW: Japanese encephalitis (JE), the killer disease of east UP, could have a cure in homeopathy, claims Central Council for Research in Homeopathy (CCRH).

Initial findings of a study undertaken by the School of Tropical Medicine, Kolkata show that a homeopathic medicine — Belladonna — helps in checking the infection caused by JE.

Giving details, director general, CCRH, Prof C Nayak said: "Ultra-diluted solution of belladonna was administered to a JE infected chick embryo in a planned lab study. The results of the study showed a significant decrease in rate with which the cells were dying."

Second phase trials for the same study have also shown encouraging results, Prof Nayak said. ''Mice which were given the medicine were able to fight better.... the observations are being documented and would be published shortly,'' he said.

What adds to the hope is that the possibility of a cure has been acknowledged by the American journal of infectious diseases. The journal has published an article on the study being done by the team from School of Tropical Medicine, Kolkata. ''This study is a fitting reply to the critics and skeptics of homeopathy who have been denouncing the therapy as placebo,'' Prof Nayak told TOI.

City-based homeopathy consultant Dr Girish Gupta said it is only after human studies that one can think of real help to the needy children of the affected districts in UP. ''Officials say the council is working to formulate a protocol for human trials in homeopathy... this will also boost research in the stream,'' he said.

JE presents a significant risk to humans and animals, particularly in Southeast Asia (includingIndia), where around 50,000 cases and 10,000 deaths occur per year, mainly affecting children below 10 years.

Statistics reveal that about 50% of patients who develop Japanese encephalitis suffer from permanent neurological defects and 30% of them die from the disease. Further, the JE virus has shown a tendency to extend to other geographic areas.

Homeopathic remedy Lycopodium Clavatum offers new hope to cancer sufferers: Study



NaturalNews) One of the most exciting developments in the war on cancer has just been published in the Journal of Acupuncture and Meridian Studies, where new research shows that the homeopathic remedy, Lycopodium Clavatum (a spore bearing plant from the clubmoss family), has an anti-cancer effect on infected cells while protecting normal blood cells.

The report by the Boiron Laboratory in France and the University of Kalyani in India reveals that highly diluted Lycopodium Clavatum remedies (LC-5C and LC-15C) are capable of inducing 'apoptosis' (cellular death) in cervical cancer cells, signifying their possible use as a supportive medicine in cancer therapy.

The $200 billion dollar per year cancer industry is desperate to convince you that chemotherapy, radiation, toxic drugs and surgery are the only proven treatments for the disease, faced as it is today, with rising demand for complementary and alternative cancer medicines.

Not the first time: Other homeopathic remedies fight cancer too

This isn't the first time that a homeopathic remedy has been found to be effective against cancer. Two previous studies have produced similarly exciting results. Frenkel, M. et al. (2010) used ultra-diluted remedies of Phytolacca, Carcinosin, Conium, and Thuja on breast cancer cells and witnessed a deactivation of the cancer in a process called cytotoxicity. Another team, led by Toliopoulos IK, Simos Y, Bougiouklis D and Oikonomidis S (2013), discovered that certain homeopathic complexes were able to stimulate the anti-cancer activity of Natural Killer Cells (part of our immune system) in cancer patients.

With North America holding the second highest incidence rate of cancer in the world, closely followed by Western Europe, the discovery delivers the prospect of an existing, legal and affordable alternative to conventional treatments.

Dr Alexander Tournier, Executive Director of the London-based Homeopathy Research Institute (http://www.homeoinst.org) confirmed the validity of the Boiron/Kalyani report, stating:

"This study is very significant, performed by a well trained team with access to modern molecular biology techniques and with the support of Boiron - a leading homeopathic manufacturer worldwide - thus ensuring that the homeopathy part of the experiment is taken care of correctly."

Lycopodium Clavatum could work against other types of cancer

Although cervical cancer cells were used in the study, the findings suggest that Lycopodium Clavatum could help fight other types of cancer. Dr Tournier adds:

"These results found on [cervical] cells are potentially generalisable to other cancer cell lines, although the tests would have to be done.

"The fact that homeopathic medicines were shown to be effective at selectively killing cancer cells warrants further research, and offers the possibility that homeopathy could be useful for a wide variety of cancer patients in the future."

With Lycopodium Clavatum being widely available to purchase online, it could be tempting for cancer sufferers to self-medicate. However, this would be inadvisable until further research has confirmed its safety and efficacy in patients. Dr Tournier adds:

"Lycopodium is already available to the general public. It would be very easy to purchase from a homeopathic pharmacy. However, I would not recommend taking Lycopodium for cancer, even for cervical cancer. This study does not provide evidence that the homeopathic remedy will be effective in cancer patients. More research is required before such a homeopathic medicine can be used routinely in cancer treatment."

It is nevertheless, still possible to find experienced doctors who treat cancer patients using homeopathy with a high success rate. One of these is Dr. Spinedi's team at the Clinica Santa Croce (http://www.omeopatia.clinicasantacroce.ch) in Switzerland, who use many remedies, carefully selected for the particular complaint and circumstances of each patient.

In vitro and in vivo anticancer properties of a Calcarea carbonica derivative complex (M8) treatment in a murine melanoma model.

In vitro and in vivo anticancer properties of a Calcarea carbonica derivative complex (M8) treatment in a murine melanoma model.


Laboratório de Pesquisa em Células Inflamatórias e Neoplásicas Depto de Biologia Celular, Setor de Ciências Biológicas, Federal University of Paraná, Brazil.



Melanoma is the most aggressive form of skin cancer and the most rapidly expanding cancer in terms of worldwide incidence. Chemotherapeutic approaches to treat melanoma have had only marginal success. Previous studies in mice demonstrated that a high diluted complex derived from Calcarea carbonica (M8) stimulated the tumoricidal response of activated lymphocytes against B16F10 melanoma cells in vitro.


Here we describe the in vitro inhibition of invasion and the in vivo anti-metastatic potential after M8 treatment by inhalation in the B16F10 lung metastasis model.


We found that M8 has at least two functions, acting as both an inhibitor of cancer cell adhesion and invasion and as a perlecan expression antagonist, which are strongly correlated with several metastatic, angiogenic and invasive factors in melanoma tumors.


The findings suggest that this medication is a promising non-toxic therapy candidate by improving the immune response against tumor cells or even induce direct dormancy in malignancies.

Effects of homeopathic medicines on mood of adults with histories of coffee-related insomnia.

Effects of homeopathic medicines on mood of adults with histories of coffee-related insomnia.


Department of Psychology, the University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721, USA. brooksaj@email.arizona.edu



The purpose of this within-subjects feasibility study was to determine whether two different homeopathic remedies, Nux Vomica (NV) and Coffea Cruda (CC), exert effects on subjective mood ratings in healthy adults with a history of coffee-induced insomnia. The impact of individual personality traits, anxiety sensitivity or Type A cynical hostility, and homeopathic constitutional type (HTYPE-NV, HTYPE-CC), on remedy effects was examined to evaluate differential responsivity, in accord with clinical claims.


Young adults of both sexes (ages 18-31) with above-average scores on standardized personality scales for either cynical hostility or anxiety sensitivity, and a history of coffee-induced insomnia, participated in the month-long study. At-home polysomnographic recordings were obtained on successive pairs of nights once per week for a total of 8 recordings (nights 1, 2, 8, 9, 15, 16, 22, 23). Subjects (N = 59) received placebo pellets on night 8 (single-blind) and verum pellets in 30c doses of one of two homeopathic remedies, NV or CC, on night 22 (doubleblind). Subjects completed the Profile of Mood States Scales at bedtime.


The remedies produced differential effects on anger and overall mood, with improved mood following CC administration. A similar trend for depression was observed. Anxiety sensitive subjects experienced less tension following CC, whereas hostile subjects receiving CC became more tense. The high HTYPE-CC receiving CC experienced less vigor. The high HTYPE-CC receiving NV experienced more vigor.

Copyright © 2010 S. Karger AG, Basel.

Strychnos nux-vomica extract and its ultra-high dilution reduce voluntary ethanol intake in rats.

Strychnos nux-vomica extract and its ultra-high dilution reduce voluntary ethanol intake in rats.
Sukul NC, Ghosh S, Sinhababu SP, et al.
Department of Zoology, Visva-Bharati University, Santiniketan, West Bengal, India. nirmal@vbharat.ernet.in
J Altern Complement Med 2001 Apr; 7(2) :187-93.
To see whether Strychnos nux-vomica extract (mother tincture [MT]), its potency Nux 30c, and its principal alkaloid, strychnine, could reduce voluntary ethanol intake in rats. To analyze the solution structure of Nux MT, Nux 30c, 90% ethanol, and ethanol 30c by means of electronic (ES) and nuclear nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectra.Potentially alcoholic rats were first given 20% ethanol and then kept on a two-choice bottle, one with 20% ethanol and another with tap water. These rats were given the following oral treatments for 15 days: group 1, control; group 2, strychnine at 0.36 mg/kg per day; group 3, ethanolic extract of S. nux-vomica seeds (Nux MT) at 3.6 mg/kg per day; and group 4, Nux 30c at 0.05 mL/d per rat. Nux 30c was prepared by successive dilution of Nux MT and 90% ethanol (1:100) and sonication at 20 kHz for 30 seconds in 30 steps.Both Nux MT and Nux 30c significantly reduced ethanol intake and increased water intake in rats. ES of two dilutions of Nux MT and Nux 30c showed intersections at more than one point suggesting existence of molecular complexes. ES of Nux MT in CCl4 showed a red shift when 90% ethanol was added indicating molecular complexation and charge transfer interaction between ethanol and Nux compounds. NMR spectra of Nux MT, 90% ethanol, ethanol 30c, and Nux 30c indicated a change in solution structure of the medium (90% ethanol) of Nux 30c.Nux MT and Nux 30c could reduce ethanol intake in rats. The altered solution structure of Nux 30c is thought to mimic Nux MT and produce ethanol aversion in rats.
Alcohol Deterrents
Disease Models, Animal
Feeding Behavior
Plant Extracts
Plants, Medicinal
Pub Type(s)
Journal Article
PubMed ID

Mild Traumatic Brain Injury and Postconcussive Syndrome

Mild Traumatic Brain Injury and Postconcussive Syndrome
Mild TBI constitutes 80% to 90% of TBI cases in the United States

~ 2.3 million cases in the United States

Multiple terms, definitions, and diagnostic criteria available for mild or minor traumatic brain injury

The American Congress of Rehabilitation (1995) has defined mild TBI as a traumatically induced physiologic disruption of brain function with at least one of four manifestations:

Any loss of consciousness (LOC)

Any loss of memory for events immediately before or after the injury

Any alteration in mental status at the time of the accident

Focal neurological deficits that may or may not be transient

Usually, mild TBI has negative radiological findings (CT/MRI)

The injury cannot exceed the following severity criteria:

LOC greater than 30 minutes

Posttraumatic amnesia (PTA) > 24 hours

Initial GCS ≤ 12 (13 to 15)

Signs and symptoms after mild TBI include:

Headache (most common)



Hearing loss

Blurred vision

Altered taste and smell

Sleep disturbances/insomnia


Sensory impairments

Attention and concentration deficits

Slowed mental processing (slowed reaction and information processing time)

Memory impairment (mostly recent memory)





Most mild TBI patients have a good recovery with symptoms clearing within the first few weeks or months postinjury (usually within 1 to 3 months)

In some patients the symptoms (previously mentioned) persist and are associated with social and vocational difficulties that appear to be out of proportion to the severity of the neurologic insult. This condition has been termed postconcussive syndrome (PCS)

In a recent study, 14 mild TBI patients with unusually persistent deficits evaluated with single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) showed significant anterior mesial temporal (lobe) hypoperfusion and less striking dominant (left) orbitofrontal abnormalities

Memory and learning deficits have been associated with lesions at the hippocampus and related structures in the medial temporal lobes or with injuries to structures that control attention, concentration, and information processing in the frontal and temporal lobe

Pharmacologic intervention may be used including antidepressants and psychostimulants

Concussion/Sports Related Head Injuries

Classification of concussion is controversial

The most widely used grading systems for concussion/mild head injury are the Colorado and the Cantu guidelines

Table 2-14

Cantu and Colorado Head Injury Grading Systems.
Return to Play Guidelines

Return to play criteria have been similarly controversial

Colorado Medical Society and Cantu Guidelines are among the most widely used.

Table 2-15

Cantu's Guidelines for Return to Play after Concussion.
The American Academy of Neurology endorsed the Colorado Medical Society Guidelines for classification and management of concussion in sports in its Report of the Quality Standards Subcommittee Practice Parameter published in Neurology, 1997.

Table 2-16

When to Return to Play—Colorado Medical Society Guidelines.
By agreement with the publisher, this book is accessible by the search feature, but cannot be browsed.

Copyright © 2004, Demos Medical Publishing, Inc.



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24% of German kids Prescribed Homeopathic Medicines!


Elena Cecchetto CCH, RSHom(NA)

Classical Homeopath

CEASE Therapist (Complete Elimination of Autistic Spectrum Expression)

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Homeopathy's Mystery: Not knowing how something works has nothing to do with whether it does.

Though we certainly must make determinations of what is and is not real, isn’t it best to do that based on experience and observation, rather than presumptions of what can and cannot be?
Homeopathy's Mystery: Not knowing how something works has nothing to do with whether it does.

Homeopathy's Mystery: Not knowing how something works has nothing to do with whether it does. Photo by Luc Viatour. Creative Commons license.

by Heidi Stevenson

One of the most common arguments against homeopathy says: It can’t work, therefore it doesn’t. Another throws out the challenge to explain how it works. Neither is a fair argument, since they do not care about evidence showing its efficacy, but only attempt to demean both homeopathy and the person who believes it works.

These same people do not place the same burden on their own belief in allopathy. Let’s pose that question to an anesthesiologist, Michael Alkire of the University of California School of Medicine, who is recognized as an expert in his field. Surely he knows the answer. His response is in a quote from the Encyclopedia of Consciousness:

    How anesthesia works has been a mystery since the discovery of anesthesia itself.

Do those who keep attacking homeopathy care that no one understands how anesthesia works, either? Oddly enough, that never seems to come up. Why do they hold homeopathy to a different standard? Not knowing the mechanism behind how something works is hardly a legitimate argument that it doesn’t.
Spiderweb by Mike Baird. Creative Commons license.

Do we understand how electricity works? Outside of observations of its effects, we do not. It is a subatomic phenomenon, and that field is in extreme flux right. In a world in which things do not exist unless they are observed, as postulated by modern physics—and not having the slightest idea how this can possibly be—we cannot possibly claim to know how electricity works. So, is it legitimate to suggest that electricity cannot work because it consists of particles that, quite impossibly, exist only when they’re observed?

The real world is a very complex and mysterious place. Though we certainly must make determinations of what is and is not real, isn’t it best to do that based on experience and observation, rather than presumptions of what can and cannot be?

Did the sun suddenly come into being the day we humans were finally able to theorize a means by which it shines?

Must we give up anesthesia because we have no idea how it works?

How can rational people make the claim that homeopathy doesn’t work simply because we don’t know how?

The argument that it can’t work, therefore it doesn’t, is based solely on the idea that no one knows how it works, so it’s simply a corollary of the demand that how homeopathy works be explained—not a different argument.
The Allopathic View

What is going on here? If homeopathy simply didn’t work, why would the allopathic world attack it so strongly? Other alternative approaches to healthcare are accepted, and some even encouraged. How many doctors advise their patients to pray? Where’s the explanation of how that works?

Homeopathy’s concepts and holistic view of people and the human body are entirely counter to the allopathic approach. It requires a complete rethinking of the nature of health and medical care. Is it not, therefore, only reasonable to test it on its own terms?

Most trials of homeopathy have been done as if the remedies were equivalent to allopathic drugs. That most assuredly is not the case. In homeopathy, one cannot apply a single remedy on the simple basis of a single symptom or diagnosis. Each case must be taken on an individual basis. The remedies that are effective in different people with the same diagnosis may not be the same, especially in chronic illnesses. In fact, they most likely won’t be.

Rather than viewing symptoms as the problem and trying to suppress them, homeopaths see them as attempts to heal. Until recently, allopaths treated fever as if it were the problem, so they routinely advised taking drugs to bring it down. The reality is that fever is one of the body’s primary means of trying to attack infections, by creating a heated environment in which microorganisms cannot survive. Even with this awareness, allopaths still often tell worried parents to give drugs to bring down fevers that are not high enough to be dangerous.

Allopaths view symptoms as if they were the disease. Thus, the usual goal of mainstream medicine’s treatments is to suppress them. The long term view is generally not taken. The connections that homeopaths see between common drugs and disease are ignored and denied, until the evidence can no longer be suppressed.
Allopathy’s Suppression of Homeopathy
Spiderweb by France House Hunt. Creative Commons license.

Allopathy applies its method of suppression to homeopathy. The approach seems to start with the view that the existence of homeopathy is a problem, rather than a symptom of a medical system that’s gone awry. Therefore, much as all other symptoms are treated, the method of dealing with homeopathy is an attempt to suppress it.

What does mainstream medicine fear from homeopathy? If it truly can’t work, then why try to suppress it? Won’t it simply fade away if it’s ineffective? Clearly, people must experience benefits, especially when homeopathic treatment generally requires money out of pocket, as it’s rarely covered by either insurance or national health plans.

Rather than denying the truth of stories by people who claim they’ve been healed by homeopathy—especially those whose conditions are considered untreatable or irreversible in the allopathic world—why not do large population studies, rather than placebo and randomly controlled trials? Though such trials are currently called the gold standard of science, they are far from the only technique available—and there is only the claim of their effectiveness behind them, not any proof.
Spiderweb by Erik Schepers. Creative Commons license.

The only conclusive test is experience, the results of large numbers of people over a long period of time. Within modern medicine’s allopathy, we have only to look at the disasters of the drug Vioxx, which killed tens of thousands, and hormone replacement therapy, which has proven to cause the very diseases it had been purported to prevent. In spite of legions of placebo and randomly controlled trials trotted out by modern healthcare, the truth is that those allopathic treatments have failed miserably. If anything is responsible for the unnecessary iatrogenic deaths of thousands and millions, it is the reliance on placebo and random controlled trials, the so-called gold standard of modern evidence-based medicine.

Those people who wish to demand that homeopathy be explained should first get their own house in order. Even if an explanation for how anesthesia works is discovered, it won’t resolve this issue. The fact will remain that those who have demanded an explanation for homeopathy do not make the same demands of their own medical paradigm—and that says it all.

The real issue for those people isn’t that homeopathy makes no sense to them. The real issue is that its very existence is perceived as a threat. It’s either a challenge to their perception of how the world works or it’s seen as a risk to their profession.