TESTIMONIAL for Certified Homeopathic Practitioner, Elena Cecchetto (AKA 'EL')

TESTIMONIAL for Certified Homeopathic Practitioner, Elena Cecchetto (AKA 'EL')
When I first went to see El I was have excruciatingly painful periods with little to no blood flow. My hormones were all out of whack and I was feeling really run down and tired all the time. Within three weeks of receiving my first constitutional remedy I got my period and I was surprised by the changes right away; the cramps were far less intense and only lasted a day, on and off. I also noticed an improvement in the quality of sleep I was getting and overall, I just felt more able to handle my stress and move through emotional obstacles. During the following months I have continued to see improvements on several levels including a healthier flowing cycle and less painful cramping. I'm so glad I found Homeopathy and El! The results have been astounding and El has been amazing to work with. I feel genuinely cared for and heard when I visit with her and I believe this is the moment the healing begins! When El chooses a remedy for me I can trust that she has made a well thought out and careful decision. As they say, the proof is in the pudding and the results I've had have been astonishing, proof enough for both me and my partner. We plan to start a family later this year and we both feel more at ease about it knowing that we have El and Homeopathy on our side.

Rylie T. Lowry ~ Massage Practitioner

TESTIMONIAL for Certified Homeopathic Practitioner, Elena Cecchetto

 TESTIMONIAL for Certified Homeopathic Practitioner, Elena Cecchetto (AKA 'EL')
When I first went to see El I was have excruciatingly painful periods with little to no blood flow. My hormones were all out of whack and I was feeling really run down and tired all the time. Within three weeks of receiving my first constitutional remedy I got my period and I was surprised by the changes right away; the cramps were far less intense and only lasted a day, on and off. I also noticed an improvement in the quality of sleep I was getting and overall, I just felt more able to handle my stress and move through emotional obstacles. During the following months I have continued to see improvements on several levels including a healthier flowing cycle and less painful cramping. I'm so glad I found Homeopathy and El! The results have been astounding and El has been amazing to work with. I feel genuinely cared for and heard when I visit with her and I believe this is the moment the healing begins! When El chooses a remedy for me I can trust that she has made a well thought out and careful decision. As they say, the proof is in the pudding and the results I've had have been astonishing, proof enough for both me and my partner. We plan to start a family later this year and we both feel more at ease about it knowing that we have El and Homeopathy on our side.

Rylie T. Lowry ~ Massage Practitioner

Homeopathy for Chronic Hayfever and Allergies and Asthma

Homeopathy Works for Me, I suffered from chronic Hayfever and Allergies all my life and it eventually developed into chronic Asthma. I was introduced to Homeopathy by a neighbour and was astounded at how well Homeopathy helps stimulate the body to do its own healing. I ditched medication, for long term healing and now enjoy better health and wellness, like never before.

Homeopathy Works for Sciatica

At the age of 18 I suffered an attack of Sciatica which resulted in my being off sick from work for 3 weeks. I continued to suffer for 12 years taking stronger and stronger painkillers and visits to physiotherapists. Since I found homeopathy nearly 11 years ago I only have an occasional twinge and have not taken painkillers since.


Homeopathy for Chronic Urinary Tract Infections (UTI's)

Homeopathy Works For Me. On that first encounter with Homeopathy, I had the opportunity to break up with the chronic use of antibiotics, the worsening of symptoms and general decrease of wellbeing, and my condition not only disappeared but also my whole approach to health changed. I have used homeopathy since to treat other conditions and I have been free of antibiotics and other pharmaceutical drugs for many years now. When I need to treat any conditions, I know homeopathic remedies supports my self healing capacity and I become healthier each time.


Pregnancy Easier with Homeopathy

Homeopathic Treatment can be a wonderful, fulfilling and quite a mystical journey. These words are often used to describe pregnancy. So, it makes sense that using Homeopathic Medicine during pregnancy is ideal. Your body is going through so many changes after you become pregnant. They are the types of changes that affect your whole being.

Hormonal shifts, morning sickness, nausea, fatigue, poor digestion, hemorrhoids, pelvic and back pain, varicose veins, and heartburn can all be helped with Homeopathy. Seeing a Homeopath during pregnancy can help create the type of pregnancy that resolves many lingering health concerns instead of potentially creating more of them in the future.

Even if all you are looking for is to ease the pain of delivery, Homeopathic Treatment is a good choice. To prepare your body to give birth, there is a series of nutritive Homeopathic remedies that I recommend to be taken during each trimester that help the specific tissues in the body to develop and support the development of your baby. These are commonly known as the Homeopathic Remedies called Tissue Salts.

I’ve formulated three separate combinations for each trimester to support what your body is working towards in each trimester. Some of the Tissue Salts that are included in my Pregnancy Protocol include the following:

• For bone development and elasticity of connective tissue (helping to prevent stretch marks), Calcarea Fluoraticum is the tissue salt to use. It also is helpful in preventing circulatory problems, hemorrhoids and varicose veins.

• For nerve and muscle development, which will reduce the chances of heartburn and cramps, use Magnesium Phosphoricum.

• To prevent a tendency towards anemia by increasing blood oxygenation, use Ferrum Phosphoricum.

• For supporting nerves and muscles (including the heart) and to help control fluid balance (swollen hands or ankles) preventing and high blood pressure (and putting on that extra weight), use Natrum Muriaticum.

• Silica (which is one of the most ubiquitous substances on earth and in our bodies) made into a Tissue Salt Homeopathic Remedy helps to build strong teeth, bones and hair of the fetus plus pubic bones and the supportive conjunctive tissues for your delivery.

If you are looking for emotional support and meaning within your journey towards motherhood, then seeing a Homeopath is a perfect choice for you. Emotions that rise up during pregnancy are important to consider. Homeopathy works great on this level because it is a very holistic medicine that works with your whole system to help you feel like you can respond appropriately with strength and balance.

If this is your first pregnancy, this may be one of the last times you have the opportunity to indulge in healing sessions focused on yourself. Seeing a Homeopath means that you spend quality time thinking about your emotional and physical health and tendencies. The process of the Homeopathic Consultation facilitates an understanding of yourself that help you to resolve old patterns or emotional tendencies and maintain your overall wellbeing. This is an exceptional way to enter your journey into motherhood.

By Elena Cecchetto CCH, RSHom(NA)
Certified Homeopath
Access Natural Healing

Pregnancy Easier with Homeopathy

Homeopathic Treatment can be a wonderful, fulfilling and quite a mystical journey. These words are often used to describe pregnancy. So, it makes sense that using Homeopathic Medicine during pregnancy is ideal. Your body is going through so many changes after you become pregnant. They are the types of changes that affect your whole being.

Hormonal shifts, morning sickness, nausea, fatigue, poor digestion, hemorrhoids, pelvic and back pain, varicose veins, and heartburn can all be helped with Homeopathy. Seeing a Homeopath during pregnancy can help create the type of pregnancy that resolves many lingering health concerns instead of potentially creating more of them in the future.

Even if all you are looking for is to ease the pain of delivery, Homeopathic Treatment is a good choice. To prepare your body to give birth, there is a series of nutritive Homeopathic remedies that I recommend to be taken during each trimester that help the specific tissues in the body to develop and support the development of your baby. These are commonly known as the Homeopathic Remedies called Tissue Salts.

I’ve formulated three separate combinations for each trimester to support what your body is working towards in each trimester. Some of the Tissue Salts that are included in my Pregnancy Protocol include the following:

• For bone development and elasticity of connective tissue (helping to prevent stretch marks), Calcarea Fluoraticum is the tissue salt to use. It also is helpful in preventing circulatory problems, hemorrhoids and varicose veins.

• For nerve and muscle development, which will reduce the chances of heartburn and cramps, use Magnesium Phosphoricum.

• To prevent a tendency towards anemia by increasing blood oxygenation, use Ferrum Phosphoricum.

• For supporting nerves and muscles (including the heart) and to help control fluid balance (swollen hands or ankles) preventing and high blood pressure (and putting on that extra weight), use Natrum Muriaticum.

• Silica (which is one of the most ubiquitous substances on earth and in our bodies) made into a Tissue Salt Homeopathic Remedy helps to build strong teeth, bones and hair of the fetus plus pubic bones and the supportive conjunctive tissues for your delivery.

If you are looking for emotional support and meaning within your journey towards motherhood, then seeing a Homeopath is a perfect choice for you. Emotions that rise up during pregnancy are important to consider. Homeopathy works great on this level because it is a very holistic medicine that works with your whole system to help you feel like you can respond appropriately with strength and balance.

If this is your first pregnancy, this may be one of the last times you have the opportunity to indulge in healing sessions focused on yourself. Seeing a Homeopath means that you spend quality time thinking about your emotional and physical health and tendencies. The process of the Homeopathic Consultation facilitates an understanding of yourself that help you to resolve old patterns or emotional tendencies and maintain your overall wellbeing. This is an exceptional way to enter your journey into motherhood.

By Elena Cecchetto CCH, RSHom(NA)
Certified Homeopath
Access Natural Healing