We have a convenient way for you to get remedies to your clients.

Dear Colleagues,

We have a convenient way for you to get remedies to your clients. We are lucky enough to be located above a post office and to have someone available at our front desk to answer the phones and dispense remedies.

We are offering:
1. Remedy Dispense Package
to patient/client for pick up at our location. $12.00
2. Remedy Dispense Package mailed to patient/client. $15.00
This Remedy Dispense Package will include the following:
•The remedy packaged as requested,
•A ‘prescription letter’ that will instruct the patient/client how to take the remedy. The letter will have your name and contact information on the bottom and the patient/client’s name (or initials if preferred) on the top.

If the remedy needs to be send more urgently than regular postal delivery - the cost will reflect actual cost (determined by Canada Post) plus 20%.

What Access Natural Healing needs from you to do the ordering:
• Information as to remedy name, potency and type of prescription you would like to give (number of doses etc...).
• The contact information that you would like to place on the bottom of the ‘prescription letter’.
• A payment!

Currently our Clinic Hours are Tuesday to Saturday from 10am to 5pm. If the order can get to the post office by 3pm - a 1-2 day service (XPRESSPOST) can be guaranteed for an extra $18.00. Contact by phone to order remedies. Include your full name and all of your contact information with all details of the remedy choice. A receipt of payment will be issued and mailed to your address.

Attached is an updated list of the Remedies at Access Natural Healing that we can offer to dispense.
Contact us for any questions,
The Wellness Team at Access Natural Healing


Your Wellness Team at

~Access Natural Healing Centre~











“The information contained in this message is for educational purposes and constitutes a response to a private request for information only and does not constitute a solicitation for services and makes no claim or promise that any product or service that may cure any condition or ailment,”