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Best of June 2009:

Best of Access Natural Healing's blog - Homeopathy June 2009:

Family Tea with Adar Birth's Aimee Sturley:

We spent some time with some really lovely parents at Little Nest on Commercial Drive. There were discussions of cradle cap, teething, colic, and diaper rash plus some amazing labour/birth experiences. It was a really great way to share and learn. Not only did we talk a bit about how homeopathy can help for children who are moving through these health concerns, but DON'T FORGET support for the moms who need the care, too. In some cases - FIRST! If you're a parent experiencing a child with colic or reflux, make sure you are taking a homeopathic remedy for easing out of the concerns that can result from that level of sleep deprivation and stress. Ask your homeopath for the remedy Kali Phos. Take at least a 200C potency as prescribed by your homeopath.

All the best in natural health care!

Synopsis of Ming Dinh's Presentation for Cervical Cancer Week. Get your pap test.

Keys to a healthy and long life:

Five easy steps:
1. Reduce Stress
2. Exercise
3. Good nutrition
4. No Smoking
5. Do things that make you happy

These are preventative. Homeopathy is preventative. It follows the laws of nature. Simply put, Homeopathy uses and supports your body's innate abilities to heal. The homeopathic remedy (when prescribed homeopathically), introduces a similar, but stronger dis-ease. This is the principal behind the system of medicine known as Homeopathy. An analogy that was talked about for "Like Cures Like" is that the Homeopath is introducing the thing that 'TRUMPS' all the other cards (the symptoms) and then they go away.

CANCER... Did you know that it can take 10 years for cancer cells to grow into an 8mm mass (detectable size).

Homeopathic Remedies can help during chemotherapy and it can also prevent the need for it. Come in for a FREE 15 minute Homeopathic Consultation. 604-568-4663.

Homeopathic Arnica as effective as the usual post-operative painkiller

Visit Dr Briffa’s blog for a report on recent research on the comparable effectiveness of homeopathic Arnica D4 (4X) post-operatively after bunion removal compared to the usual painkiller (diclofenac). It was decided that giving placebo would not be ethical. Treatment with Arnica also gave fewer side-effects, greater mobility and was less costly.


Karow J-H, et al. Efficacy of Arnica Montana D4 for healing of wounds after hallux valgus surgery compared to diclofenac. J Altern Comp Med 2008;14(1):17-25

Dr Briffa: ‘Homeopathic arnica found to be an effective post-operative aid’

A positive effect from Homeopathic remedies, study
Thursday, 4 June 2009, 10:36 am
Press Release: Council of Homeopaths

recent homeopathic study:

The New Zealand Council of Homeopaths (NZCH) welcomes a survey of the use of Homeopathic medicines that reported 92% of people who have taken Homeopathic remedies experienced a positive effect.

The study published in the New Zealand Medical Journal surveyed 124 people in Doctors’ surgeries [1]. Of these 65% said they had used homeopathic remedies with 92% reported experiencing a positive result. These findings confirm the results from studies conducted overseas (2,3,4).

This study revealed that positive responses to homeopathic remedies were achieved even though patients did not understand how homeopathic medicines worked.

Gwyneth Evans, spokesperson for the NZCH states, “The results demonstrate that an adult, child or, animal does not have to know how a remedy works for it to be beneficial."

Consumer demand for a system of medicine that is natural, safe and effective has driven the rise of homeopathy in New Zealand and throughout the world. However, very few surveys on homeopathy have been conducted in New Zealand to date so it is pleasing to see that funding is being made available for this purpose.

Homeopathic consultations are individualised to each patient, taking into account all presenting symptoms, together with a detailed family and personal history, including the context in which the patient became unwell.

A homeopathic prescription is then selected based on the client’s unique symptom presentation. Homeopathic treatment facilitates the body’s ability to fight infection and to decrease susceptibility to disease by gently stimulating the body to heal itself.

“This research is the beginning of an exciting development into adding to previous studies understanding homeopathy. I hope that funding will be made available to conduct further surveys and trials with practicing homeopaths in their clinics, to further add to the body of scientific knowledge of the natural healing powers of homeopathic remedies" said Ms Evans.

References -

1. Holt S and Gilbey A,. (2009) Beliefs about homeopathy among patients presenting at GP surgeries, New Zealand Medical Journal, Vol 122 No,1295

2. A meta-analysis of three trials on homeopathic immunotherapy. Result: significant effect in favour of homeopathic treatment.

3. Reilly D, Taylor MA, Beattie NGM, Campbell JH, McSharry C, Aitchison TC, Carter R, Stevenson RD. Is evidence for homoeopathy reproducible? Lancet. 1994; 344:1601-1606.

4. Cucherat, M., Haugh, M. C., Gooch, M., & Boissel, J. P. 2000, "Evidence of clinical efficacy of homeopathy. A meta-analysis of clinical trials. HMRAG. Homeopathic, Medicines Research Advisory Group", Eur.J.Clin.Pharmacol., vol.. 56, no. 1,