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High Potency Homeopathic Medicines Affect Cancer Cells

High Potency Homeopathic Medicines Affect Cancer Cells

Hard on the heels of the evidence for the effects of high dilutions published in the current volume of 'Homeopathy (see 25 January news item) comes yet more evidence for the effect of high dilution homeopathic medicines in a study published in the high impact, highly respected 'International Journal of Oncology'.

The study reveals that certain high potency homeopathic remedies have preferentially elevated cytotoxic effects on breast adenocarcinoma cells compared with cells derived from normal breast epithelium. The experiments were conducted in triplicate and repeated at least twice in each case of a remedy. The homeopathic medicines tested included: Carcinosin, 30C; Conium maculatum, 3C; Phytolacca decandra, 200C and Thuja occidentalis, 30C The strongest effects were found from Carcinosin and Phytolacca, remedies that are well documented in the homeopathic literature for their beneficial effects in patients with cancer.

The researchers concluded, "the ultra-diluted natural homeopathic remedies investigated in this study offer the promise of being effective preventive and/or therapeutic agents for breast cancer and worthy of further study.".

The abstract and full study is available at:

25 January 2010