Influenzinum CV30 2020 Survey (Copy)

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Producer/director of the Real Immunity film series, Cilla Whatcott, shares her fascinating experience of living on a tiny island in the Pacific where she raised her children in a unique and idyllic environment. Throughout Choosing Real Immunity, she opens up about her own cancer diagnosis that caused her to examine her choices for healing more carefully and choose a path outside of conventional treatment.

What makes people choose the road less traveled? Hear from medical doctors who chose a more natural path after traditional medical school, a homeopath who founded a school, and a Japanese healer whose life was saved by homeopathy.

Our level of consciousness plays a large part in our choices as well as our natural immunity. Learn a distinct system for assessing the level from which we operate and hear from gifted healers about how they relate to their patients. The consciousness of both parents, plus generations gone before, play a distinct role in the health, immunity, and reality for each of us. Hear from Dr. Joe Dispenza as he shares amazing details of how raising children is the fastest route to enlightenment.